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10 Times More Contagious Corona Mutations in Malaysia

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

Mutation corona virus SARS-CoV-2 which is 10 times easier to spread Covid-19 to humans found in Malaysia. This more contagious mutation of the virus is named D614G.

Mutations of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus strain D614G were first discovered by scientists in July in the United States and Europe. This more contagious virus is likely to make the vaccine currently being tested ineffective against this variant.

This was conveyed by the Director General of the Malaysian Ministry of Health Noor Hisham Abdullah, Sunday (16/8). So, Noor reminded residents to be more vigilant.

“A virus was found which is 10 times more contagious to humans and easily spread if spread by ‘super spreader‘, “he said in a statement on his Facebook page.

Super spreader is a person infected with the corona virus but has no symptoms (carrier). But, even so, he can pass the Covid-19 disease to many other people.

Generally, carrier infect 2 to 3 other people. But super spreader (super spreader) can infect 11 to dozens of other people.

This virus was brought by a man who was new from India. It violated quarantine provisions and infected more than 45 people.

When 45 positive cases of corona were treated, it turned out that from the sample test, 3 people had the mutated corona virus so that it was more contagious with the D614G variant.

Previously, WHO findings said the mutation of the SARS-CoV-2 corona virus would not make Covid-19 disease worse and hinder vaccine development, as reported from Times of India.

However, Dr Noor Hisham advised the public to continue to implement preventive measures and control public health by taking measures including maintaining physical distance, practicing personal hygiene and wearing face masks.

This mutation was discovered by the Malaysian Institute for Medical Research. The institute tested the results of isolation and culture tests for the virus obtained in three cases from the country’s Sivagangga cluster and one from the Ulu Tiram cluster.

“So far, these two clusters have been found under control as a result of rapid public health control measures,” said Dr Noor Hisham. “This initial test and several further tests are being carried out to test several other cases, including index cases for the two clusters,” he was quoted as saying Channel News Asia.

Malaysia reportedly had 25 new Covid-19 cases on Sunday (16/8). Nine cases were local transmissions and 16 were imported. There are a total of 9,200 cases in Malaysia with 216 still active.


[Gambas:Video CNN]

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