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10 things that make pregnant women feel uncomfortable in their bodies

Illustration of a sick pregnant woman. Photo: Thinkstock

Pregnancy generally a pleasant experience for the mother. However, the physical and hormonal changes that appear often trigger a variety of symptoms that make you feel sick pregnant mother feel uncomfortable.

Yes Moms, in general, there are 10 things that make moms hamil feel uncomfortable in the condition of his body. What are they? Check out the following explanation as quoted from Verywell Family.

Things that make pregnant women uncomfortable in their bodies

Illustration of a sick pregnant woman Photo: Shutterstock

Nausea and vomiting, or what is often called morning sickness, are the most common symptoms of pregnancy. This condition generally only occurs in the morning. However, some mothers may experience it throughout the day and make it uncomfortable.

In addition to nausea and vomiting, another digestive disorder that is often experienced by pregnant women is heartburn. This condition generally occurs in the second and third trimesters. Heartburn during pregnancy is caused by increased pressure on the abdomen due to the growing uterus.

Illustration of a pregnant woman experiencing constipation and bloating. Photo: Shutterstock

The growing uterus can also make gas build up in the body, causing constipation and bloating. This condition is caused by food moving more slowly to absorb more nutrients.

In early pregnancy, the breasts are ready to produce milk. This involves hormonal changes in the body and causes the breasts to feel tender and swollen. These changes generally occur in the 6th to 8th week, then will subside when the pregnancy enters the 4th month of gestation.

Illustration of pregnant women often sleeping because they are tired. Photo: Syda Productions/kumparan

The physical and hormonal changes that pregnant women experience often make them feel more tired and sleepy. So, it’s normal for you to need a longer rest period than usual, Moms. If you have work to do, don’t hesitate to ask someone else for help.

6. Frequent urination

During pregnancy, there is more fluid in your body and it affects the performance of the kidneys. In addition, the growing uterus will also put pressure on the bladder. That’s what makes you urinate frequently during pregnancy and sometimes feels uncomfortable, Moms. This condition generally occurs in the first trimester.

7. Night sweats

Illustration of pregnant woman sweating. Photo: Shutter Stock

In addition to frequent urination, the amount of fluid in the body of pregnant women can also cause excessive sweating, especially at night. This condition is also caused by hormonal changes, weight gain, and blood flow in the body which can increase body temperature.

Headaches during pregnancy can be caused by various things, such as pregnancy hormones, fatigue, stress, and low blood sugar. This condition often makes mothers feel uncomfortable because their daily activities are hampered.

Illustration of a pregnant woman with back pain. Photo: Shutterstock

Another condition that makes pregnant women feel uncomfortable with their bodies is back pain. This condition is caused by several physical changes, such as in the breasts and abdomen, which cause muscles and joints to stretch and loosen. Tension in the shoulders can also cause upper and lower back pain.

Towards the end of pregnancy, the abdomen puts pressure on the veins in the anus and in some women causes hemorrhoids. This condition often makes mothers feel uncomfortable when sitting. Hemorrhoids will generally disappear after the delivery process.

Those are 10 common things that sometimes make pregnant women feel uncomfortable in their bodies. But calm down Moms, these conditions are generally harmless and don’t last long. Even some pregnant women do not experience these obstacles. In addition, some complaints can be reduced by diligently exercising and adopting a healthy lifestyle.

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