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10 things about World War II that we don’t know

World War II was a global war that lasted from September 1, 1939 to September 2, 1945, and became the largest military conflict in human history. There are still interesting things since then that we don’t even suspect.

10 things about World War II that we don’t know

1. World War II lasted from September 1, 1939 to September 2, 1945 and was the largest armed conflict in human history. It involves 62 of the 73 existing independent states in the world. Military action is taking place in the territories of 40 countries, mobilizing a total of 110 million people. The victims are about 65 million, of whom 26 million are citizens of the former Soviet Union. 12 million of them are servicemen. Germany claimed about 7 million lives, of which more than 70% died on the Eastern Front. 60% of Europe’s Jewish population has been exterminated – about 6 million people. That’s about a third of the world’s Jews at the time. Of the men born in 1923 in the USSR, 80% died in the war, he wrote standartnews.com.

2. The bloodiest battle of the war was the Battle of Stalingrad. From July 17, 1942, to February 2, 1943, 470,000 Soviet soldiers and 300,000 Germans died.

3. The longest battle was the battle of Leningrad – 3 years, 10 months and 18 days or 1418 days and nights.

4. The most numerous battle was that of Moscow – September 30, 1941 – April 20, 1942. It was attended by 7 million people.

5. On the day of Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbor, the US Secret Service realized that it did not have an armored car to take President Roosevelt to Congress to declare US entry into the war. Then an astute agent remembered that in 1931 the tax authorities confiscated Al Capone’s car, which was in stock and in working order. Thus, the problem was solved and according to the rumor, when the president learned whose car he was driving, he exclaimed: “I hope Mr. Capone will not object!”.

6. After the war, the US car industry was under the auspices of the military. In 1941, more than 3 million civilian cars were produced. From that moment until the end of the war, however, only 139 civilian vehicles left the car factories.

7. And currently about 4% of the sand composition of the Norman beaches, where the Allies landed, consists of shrapnel and bullets.8. In February 1945, during the Battle of Burma, the British pushed a Japanese regiment of 1,215 men into a swamp full of crocodiles. Only 25 men survive.

9. German prisoners of war in Canada were treated so well that after the war, thousands refused to return to Germany, saying that the Canadian camp was the best thing that had happened to them in their lives so far.

10. Ethiopia, Iceland, Syria, Lebanon, Vietnam and Indonesia call World War II “blessed” because it gained independence after it ended.

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