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10 Symptoms of Morphine Addiction, This Is What Will Happen If You Don’t Stop!

One type of drug that is widely abused is morphine. Morphine is a type of drug that is widely abused by drug abusers. The more abuse of morphine, the greater the symptoms felt by the abuser. Symptoms of morphine addiction can be very felt, because it can interfere with quality of life and damage life.

Symptoms caused by each type of drug are different. It depends on the number of doses abused, how to abuse it, and how resistant the drug abuser is.

So what are the symptoms felt by morphine abusers? Is it dangerous to abuse morphine? Check out all the answers about morphine in the following explanation.

Morphine abuse

Morphine is a type of drug whose content is extracted from the opium or poppy plant. Morphine is also one of the drugs used to treat pain in the body. Both moderate to severe pain.

In the use of morphine must be in accordance with the doctor’s advice. If excessive can cause harm to the body. So that the abuse of morphine needs to be avoided because it can be fatal for the abuser.

Hope to overcome pain in the body, but due to excessive abuse it causes other harmful effects. Such as disturbances in the work of the body, the effects of addiction to death.

Not only that abuse of morphine can affect the central nervous system disorders and can also cause cancer. That is why the abuse of morphine is prohibited in Indonesia because it is bad for health.

So what are the symptoms of morphine abuse? Is it fatal? Check out the following review.

Symptoms of Morphine Addicts, If You Don’t Stop Immediately

Symptoms caused by morphine abuse each abuser will experience different symptoms. This is influenced by the amount of morphine abuse, the type of morphine abuse whether smoked, eaten or injected.

morphine addict symptoms

The condition or condition of morphine abuser when abusing morphine is one of the things that distinguishes the symptoms that arise from each morphine abuser. So what are the symptoms of morphine addicts that are commonly experienced by abusers?

  1. Concentration disorders

Misuse of morphine can cause concentration problems because of the content in morphine. The content in morphine if abused can cause the abuser’s focus to be disturbed.

This is because the central nervous system is disturbed, causing concentration problems that can interfere with daily activities and become unproductive.

  1. Excessive euphoria

Other symptoms felt after abusing morphine can lead to excessive euphoria or excessive excitement. Too much dopamine hormone in the body causes excessive happiness or euphoria.

Can lead to self-confidence, enthusiasm to excessive joy. Morphine abusers may also experience laughing out loud and feeling happy alone when other people think it’s not funny.

  1. Apathetic

Changes in the attitude of morphine abusers are usually seen from their attitude which turns into apathy. Usually the symptoms seen when spoken to are empty views, do not concentrate to apathy and do not care about their surroundings.

This is a symptom that the abuser is addicted to morphine. Because these symptoms have spread and affect the nervous system of morphine abusers.

  1. Excessive sleepiness

Morphine can cause symptoms of drowsiness in morphine abusers. Morphine abusers will feel excessive sleepiness. So that it can endanger the daily activities of morphine abusers.

Especially if you’re driving. This can endanger themselves and others. Not only when driving at work can be dangerous because of drowsiness that cannot be controlled.

  1. Calm felling

Another symptom is that it can cause a sense of calm and comfort after abusing morphine. Morphine can provide a sense of comfort so that it causes people to enjoy abusing morphine.

So that morphine abusers increase the dose and eventually cause an overdose. Because he felt that morphine could overcome the anxiety he was experiencing.

  1. Changes in perception

Changes in perception can be a symptom experienced by morphine abusers. Effect fly of morphine abuse causes the perception of morphine abusers to change frequently. For example, a minute is actually considered an hour.

This causes the perception between morphine abusers and normal people is different. Therefore, morphine abusers also feel like they are in a different world.

  1. Increased self-confidence

The increased self-confidence for morphine abusers is caused by too much of the hormone dopamine in the body due to morphine abuse. The morphine abuser thinks he is the most perfect and the greatest.

It could also be that morphine abusers feel that they are the most handsome and have everything. Which in reality is not at all. This is a symptom caused by abusing morphine in excess.

  1. Often daydream

People who abuse morphine usually often daydream with a blank stare. Sometimes daydreaming and sometimes also laughing alone. It is influenced by the central nervous system and brain are disturbed.

  1. Can’t make a decision

Lack of focus and difficulty concentrating can lead to difficulty and inability to make decisions. Therefore, the power of thought becomes disturbed so that it inhibits the daily activities of morphine abusers.

The ability to solve problems and make decisions becomes a serious obstacle that arises after abusing morphine.

  1. hallucination

Another symptom that can arise from morphine abuse is hallucinations. Hallucinations make it difficult for morphine abusers to distinguish between real and virtual. The world in the mind of a morphine abuser becomes disturbed and causes hallucinations.


Well that’s the discussion morphine addict symptoms that will be felt. Morphine is a type of drug that contains opium or poppies. This type of drug is a type of drug that can be used to treat pain that occurs in the body.

However, if misused in excess, it can cause symptoms that are not good for the body. Such as excessive sleepiness, impaired concentration, euphoria to hallucinations. Therefore, it is better to stay away from drugs before they cause harmful effects to the body.

drug rehabilitation

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