Home » Health » 10 Strange Phenomena during a Solar Eclipse: Baily’s Beads, Solar Bulge, Temperature Drop, and More

10 Strange Phenomena during a Solar Eclipse: Baily’s Beads, Solar Bulge, Temperature Drop, and More

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA—Solar eclipse is a natural phenomenon that looks beautiful and can be watched safely using special eye protection equipment. Apart from being beautiful to look at, it is a phenomenon solar eclipse It turns out that it can give rise to a number of strange and unique things.

The partial solar eclipse that took place last weekend can be observed in the skies of northern, central and southern America. Different from eclipse full sun in 2017, a partial solar eclipse does not completely cover the sun area. Only about 90 percent of the sun’s area is covered in a solar eclipse.

Apart from these differences, there are a number of strange events that can be witnessed during a solar eclipse. The following are 10 strange incidents, as reported LiveScience on Monday (16/10/23).

Baily’s beads

A total solar eclipse can give rise to a phenomenon called Baily’s beads. This phenomenon looks like a shining gemstone at the end of a ring of fire that forms when the moon completely covers the sun. The name Baily’s beads comes from the name of astronomer Francis Baily. In 1836, Baily revealed that the Baily’s beads phenomenon occurred because sunlight interacted with the moon’s uneven topography.

Solar Bulge

Solar prominence or solar bulge is a structure of plasma and magnetic fields that sticks up from the surface of the sun. Usually, this phenomenon cannot be seen from the earth. However, when an eclipse occurs, solar protrusions can be seen behind the flowers, with the appearance of flower petals. Please remember, people who want to observe this phenomenon must wear special glasses to protect their eyes.

Decreasing Temperature

When the moon covers the sun, the air temperature on earth can drop drastically. This temperature drop will greatly depend on the location, time and type of eclipse. In general, most areas will experience a temperature drop of around 2.8-5.6 degrees Celsius during a total solar eclipse. However, the temperature drop can also be greater than this average.

Changes in Wind Patterns

Apart from decreasing temperatures, changes in wind direction can also occur in several areas during a solar eclipse. When the moon almost covers the entire area of ​​the sun, wind gusts will slow down. When the moon completely covers the sun, the wind speed begins to increase. But at the same time, the wind often blows in the opposite direction than before. This phenomenon is not only found in full solar eclipses, but also annular and partial solar eclipses.

Confusion Animals

The sky suddenly darkens during a solar eclipse during the day, and animals can become very confused. Crepuscular animals such as crickets, for example, tend to start making the sounds they usually make at night. A sudden dark day can also make cows and horses prepare for bed, and make birds return to their cages.

Disturbed Radio Waves

Total and annular solar eclipses can disrupt radio wave frequencies. Although the exact reason is not yet known, scientists believe that this disturbance occurs because the sun interacts with the Earth’s ionosphere. As is known, the Earth’s ionosphere often experiences fluctuations when an eclipse occurs.

Microbial Behavior

Solar eclipses can also have an impact on microorganisms. This was revealed in a 2011 study in India. Bacteria growing in laboratory petri dishes appear to shrink and change shape when a solar eclipse is occurring and reaches its peak. However, the results of this study have not been able to be replicated in different studies to date.

Strange Shadow

When the moon covers the sun, the shadow that appears on the earth will look different from usual because it has a shape like a crescent moon or ring. This different shape of the shadow is known as the //pinhole// effect.

Shadow Bands

A few seconds before a total solar eclipse reaches its peak, wavy lines of light or dark can be seen on the surface of solid-colored objects. This phenomenon looks like you are at the bottom of a swimming pool. Astronomers still don’t really understand the exact cause of this phenomenon.

Appearance of Stars and Other Planets

During a total solar eclipse, the moon covers the entire area of ​​the sun so that the stars and other planets in space can be seen more clearly in the sky. However, only the brightest stars and planets will be clearly visible. In the total solar eclipse that will occur in 2024, for example, people on Earth will probably be able to see Venus and Jupiter more clearly.

2023-10-15 10:54:29
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