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10 Signs of Unhealthy Kidneys and How to Maintain Kidney Health

Manadonews, Health – Kidneys are important organs in our body that are responsible for removing waste and filtering toxins from the blood.

Optimal kidney health is essential to our well-being. Unfortunately, many people ignore the signs that their kidneys are not healthy.

Launching from Dr Saddam Ismail’s Youtube Channel, this article will discuss the characteristics of unhealthy kidneys and how we can maintain their health.

  1. Changing Urine Color

Changes in urine color can be an early indicator that the kidneys are having problems.

If the color of the urine turns a shiny brown, reddish in color, or the urine becomes cloudy and frothy, this could indicate a problem such as blood or protein in the urine.

This discoloration should be watched out for and immediately consult a doctor.

  1. Changes in Urinary Frequency

Watch for changes in the frequency of urination. If you experience an increase or decrease in the number of times you urinate in a day, this could indicate a kidney problem.

If you often feel the need to urinate or vice versa, only urinate in small amounts, especially if accompanied by swelling of the hands or feet, consult a doctor immediately.

  1. Back Pain

If you feel low back pain, either on one side or both sides, this could be a sign of kidney problems.

Back pain that is continuous or accompanied by severe pain is a concern because it can indicate a urinary tract infection or kidney stone formation

Consult a doctor for further evaluation.

  1. Easy Fatigue and Anemia

Unhealthy kidneys can affect the production of red blood cells, which are responsible for transporting oxygen throughout the body. A lack of red blood cells can cause excessive fatigue and symptoms of anemia, such as paleness, weakness and unnatural weight loss. If you experience these symptoms, immediately consult a doctor.

  1. Swelling of Hands, Feet or Extremities

Kidneys that don’t function properly can cause fluid buildup in the body, especially in the hands, feet and eye area.

If you experience unusual swelling of your extremities, consult your doctor immediately for further evaluation.

  1. Nausea and Vomiting

Nausea and vomiting are not only common symptoms of other illnesses, but can also be a sign of kidney problems.

Toxic buildup in the body due to impaired kidney function can trigger nausea and vomiting.

If you experience these symptoms, immediately consult a doctor for proper treatment.

  1. Breathing difficulties

Shortness of breath can occur due to anemia or fluid buildup in the lungs caused by kidney disorders.

If you experience abnormal shortness of breath, see a doctor immediately for further examination.

  1. Iron taste in the mouth

The accumulation of toxic substances in the body can cause an unpleasant iron taste in the mouth.

If you experience these symptoms, don’t hesitate to consult a doctor.

  1. Muscle cramp

Electrolyte disturbances due to unhealthy kidneys can affect muscle and nerve function, which can cause frequent muscle cramps.

If you frequently experience unusual muscle cramps, consult a doctor.

Healthy kidneys are very important for maintaining the well-being of the body.

If you experience one or several of the unhealthy kidney characteristics mentioned above, consult your doctor immediately for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Keep your kidneys healthy by consuming enough water, maintaining a healthy diet, and exercising regularly.

Stay alert for signs that are abnormal in the kidneys and take the recommended preventive measures to keep the kidneys healthy. ***

2023-06-12 11:44:35
#Understand #Signs #Unhealthy #Kidneys #Prevention #Treatment

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