Home » today » Business » 10 percent of Dutch people who pay off debt have problems again after year | NOW

10 percent of Dutch people who pay off debt have problems again after year | NOW

Nearly one in ten Dutch people who have had payment problems find themselves in debt again within a year. For many, this is even the case within six months. That reports BKR . Foundationwhich keeps track of which loans Dutch people take out.

According to the foundation, relatively many people quickly end up in debt again if they have solved old payment problems. At 6.8 percent, this is already the case after six months. After one year, that percentage has risen to over 9. After five years, it is even 13 percent.

“Especially the first half of the year is therefore a risky period,” according to the foundation. “But it is also important to continue monitoring in the following years, to prevent someone from getting into financial problems again.”

Stichting BKR also sees that problems arise more often among Dutch people who have taken out multiple loans. Those who take out one credit often still do well. Only 0.6 percent get into trouble.

But with several credits things go wrong – not surprisingly – much more often. Whoever has four credits will run into problems in 2.25 percent of the cases. With five loans, that percentage rises to almost 3.

The foundation speaks of payment problems if, among other things, there is a arrears on a current credit, someone has made a debt or repayment arrangement or a remainder of a loan has been claimed.

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