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10 Ornamental Mosquito Repellent Plants at Home

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

Mosquitoes that fly in the home environment are often annoying because their bites can cause bumps, itching, and even cause disease.

Although there are many products that offer benefits repel mosquitoes, the mite usually has the potential to come back if not completely eradicated.

In addition to keeping the surrounding environment clean, you can also use mosquito repellent ornamental plants. These insects really do not like the smell of the following plants:

1. Lavender

Lavender is a mosquito repellent ornamental plant in the home area (Photo: Kaz/Pixabay)-

Lavender is a plant that can repel mosquitoes and the most comfortable to use, because it contains essential oils in the flower buds.

Taking care of lavender is also quite easy, because it can survive in various climates. But make sure this plant gets enough sunlight and water.

2. Lantana Camara

This ornamental plant, which is often called ‘chicken dung’, is said to be the most effective in eradicating mosquitoes. According to research, the phytochemical compounds in lantana camara are very feared by mosquitoes.

Lantana Camara comes from the Verbenaceae family and grows in tropical areas of Central and South America. In Indonesia, lantana plants are also quite easy to find.

3. Will be

Freshly cut lemon grass on banana leaf.Lemongrass is a mosquito repellent ornamental plant in the home area (Photo: Istockphoto/migin)-

Citronella grass or lemongrass is also one of the least favorite plants for mosquitoes and is suitable for planting in your home.

The Brooklyn Botanic Garden also recommends this lemon-scented Citronella plant to repel mosquitoes because it is quite easy to care for.

4. Marigold

Orange Tagetes flowers close up in organic garden, many-petalled flowers with various shades of yellow, orange, bronze and red appear in every imaginable combination. Blurred background.Marigold is a mosquito repellent ornamental plant in the home area (Photo: iStockphoto/Hana Richterova)-

Marigolds that have bright orange flowers and beautiful are one of the ornamental mosquito repellent plants.

according to New York Botanical Garden, Marigold aroma can not only repel mosquitoes, but also prevent the arrival of aphids, thrips, whiteflies, bean beetles, to insects.

5. Allium

Allium plants have a unique shape with bright white, green, and purple flower heads. Surprisingly, mosquitoes do not like the smell of this ornamental plant.

Allium can be planted in pots and placed as a sweetener in the corner of the room. Some people also like to grow Allium through soil media without intermediaries.

6. Geranium flowers

Close up of a red geranium flower and unopened buds.Geranium is a mosquito repellent ornamental plant in the home area (Photo: iStockphoto/KenWiedemann)-

This time the New York Botanical Garden, Brooklyn Botanic Garden and PlanShed agreed that Geranium ornamental plants were no less effective in repelling mosquitoes.

The fragrant smell of this Geranium flower is considered very stinging by mosquitoes, so it is not surprising that the insects stay away.

7. Ageratum

Floss flower or Ageratum has beautiful purplish flowers with white fibers surrounding it.

This ageratum contains coumarin compounds, which are natural chemicals to repel mosquitoes because they are toxic. Make sure this plant is away from your pets.

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8. Catnip

Similar to Ageratum, Catnip flowers are actually very effective in getting rid of mosquitoes but are quite dangerous if you have pets such as cats or dogs.

Catnip flowers are still in the same family as mint which has a strong aroma and spreads easily so that mosquitoes are afraid.

9. Rosemary

Fresh rosemary isolated on white backgroundRosemary is a mosquito repellent ornamental plant in the home area (Photo: iStockphoto/dlerick)-

The next ornamental plant that mosquitoes don’t like is Rosemary. This spice plant which also functions as a cooking spice is useful as an effective mosquito repellent in the house.

The smell of wood that comes out of the body of the Rosemary plant has a deterrent effect on mosquitoes, so they are reluctant to approach.

10. Bee Balm

The next mosquito repellent ornamental plant from the Lamiaceae family and belongs to the Monarda genus, with pink flowering characteristics.

The scent of the Bee Balm flower is usually easily accepted by humans because it can scent the room. But not for mosquitoes because it is too stinging.

(avd / fef)

[Gambas:Video CNN]

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