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10 Innovative Children’s Gadgets for Parents

When we go to a children’s goods store or look at sales sites on the Internet, our eyes widen. Every day manufacturers come up with new gadgets for children. We present things for toddlers that are designed to make life easier for parents. And as a bonus, there are toys that, although they seem attractive and convenient, may turn out to be unsafe.

Supermarket trolley cover

Supermarket trolleys are not the cleanest items. According to research, there are almost 300 times more bacteria on a cart handle than on a toilet button. Children not only grab onto everything, but also put their hands in their mouths.

A simple cover will help avoid unnecessary contact. The more expensive model will also have soft upholstery, pockets for toys and a plastic window for the phone.

  • The best thing I’ve ever bought! My daughter really likes it. I can put the phone in a protective case so she can watch it without dropping it or getting it dirty. A bunch of people stop us in the store to ask where I bought this thing. © Tara / Amazon

Mechanical nasal aspirator

A cold and the accompanying snot in children of kindergarten age is inevitable. Can teach A child starts blowing his nose from the age of 2, and before that, mothers and fathers have to remove mucus from the baby’s nose using various devices. If this is not done, the child will have difficulty sleeping, difficulty sucking, and with prolonged nasal congestion possible various complications.

You can help your baby with a bulb syringe, but it fits only very small, if the amount of mucus is small. This will be difficult to do with older children.

Mechanical aspirators are safe, inexpensive and simple in use. You need to insert the soft tip into the child’s nose and begin to suck out the accumulated mucus with your mouth through the tube. Everything that has accumulated in the small spout will flow into the reservoir.

This method may not appeal to the squeamish, but the child’s health is more important. In addition, modern aspirators are equipped with replaceable hygienic filters that protect the person performing the procedure from mucus getting into the mouth.

  • I give these to all my friends with small children. Many say that the very principle of operation is disgusting, and swear that they will never use a mechanical aspirator. But once their child gets a stuffy nose, it’s enough for them to start singing a different song. © gangstead / Reddit
  • This thing is gold. All children hate them, the smiling baby on the box is a lie, but these aspirators are incredibly useful. © Erutious / Reddit

Pillow for feeding

Such pillows have existed for a long time, but modern manufacturers have significantly improved them: they began to use special fillers that are quite elastic and do not deform. It is impossible to fall into the pillow, but at the same time it takes the desired shape, “hugging” the mother or child.

This pillow can be used even when the baby gets a little older.

  • They are great for feeding: both breast and bottle. When the child grows a little, the pillow can be used when you need to raise his head a little, stabilizing the body. When your baby begins to sit, you can place a pillow around him to prevent him from falling to his side or backwards. My daughter used her pillow until she was 4 years old. © pixikins78 / Reddit

“Our baby has long outgrown his pillow, but that’s okay – the puppy likes it too.”

White noise generator

Any parent knows: there is nothing more valuable than a child’s sleep. When a child sleeps, not only he, but also those around him rest. And if the child does not get enough sleep, everyone around him suffers.

Newborns get used to it To white noise (background sound, which contains the entire range of frequencies, while they are distributed evenly and sound at the same volume) even in the womb. Her heartbeat, the flow of blood, the functioning of organs, muffled voices “outside” – this “music” is associated in babies with comfort and safety. A special device that creates white noise will help the most restless little one fall asleep.

  • The only negative: after 2 years of listening to white noise through a baby monitor, I can no longer sleep without it. © fudrummer / Reddit

Sleep trainer watch

Clocks like this give a signal to young children who have not yet established a routine when it is time to go to bed or get up. They also work as a night light and alarm clock. Over time, the child begins to fall asleep as soon as the lighting changes, because no one has canceled conditioned reflexes.

  • This clock changes color in the morning to let little ones know it’s time to get up. I recommend them to all young parents who are tired of small children coming and waking them up at an ungodly hour. © Unknown author / Reddit

Shushers-noise generators (Baby Shusher)

When calming a naughty baby, we make the sound “shh”, and this works great. But as soon as you shut up, the child begins to whine again. Why not entrust the hissing to a special device? There are small portable versions that can be placed in a crib or stroller, as well as stationary ones, often combined with a night light.

In addition to hissing, devices can make the sound of rain or waves, heartbeats, and play lullabies. On some you can even record a short track with your voice.

U-shaped toothbrushes

Parents go to great lengths to teach a capricious child to brush their teeth regularly. There are brushes with music, lighting, and a timer, but even with them it is difficult to ensure that the child brushes his teeth well on all sides. And here are the new ones brushes The U-shape cleans teeth from all sides.

Musical pot

Not all kids learn to use the potty easily and quickly. The child may not want or understand what his parents expect from him, and tears and whims are not uncommon here. A musical pot will come to the rescue. Music activates areas of the brain responsible for pleasure, and going to the toilet from a painful process with persuasion and hysterics turns into a fun and enjoyable activity. Musical potties teach children to control themselves and take initiative into their own hands.


Riding a scooter from an early age useful IN many respects. Children learn to maintain balance, develop motor skills and coordination, engage multiple nerve centers, strengthen muscles, and also actively socialize and increase self-confidence. Of course, the youngest should use the scooter only in the presence of adults, and children should be explained the rules of the road.

Bonus: magnet toys

Kids usually like colorful letters and similar toys. However, they can be dangerous, especially if the magnets inside them are not securely secured. A child can easily swallow these small elements. And with a large accumulation in the digestive system, they can get closer with sufficient force to cause damage to health.

To avoid putting your baby at risk, never leave him alone with such products. Keep a close eye on it during the game and do not buy magnets in sets that are too large, as in this case it will be difficult to notice the loss in time.

Bonus 2: sippy cups

Cups with two handles are convenient, but they are an ideal place for mold growth. You don’t need much for it to appear – just a dark, damp and warm place, and these are the small parts of sippy cups, which it is often not possible to wash or even dry well.

Here we wrote about children’s products, having bought which, users realized that it was not worth it: bath crayons or smart socks. And in this article we have listed sweets that contain more harm than good for children and adults, for example, marshmallows in chocolate glaze.

Children grow up and delight us with such pearls that it would be nice to write them down in a notebook and then give them as a graduation present.

2024-01-09 17:03:10

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