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10 Examples of Crystallized Form Changes in Life…

10 Examples of Crystallized Form Changes in Everyday Life – The crystallization process is a form of change in form that occurs naturally. The change can make its form into another form and even have new properties.

Compared to evaporation or freezing processes, crystallization processes are rare, although they are numerous. Evaporation can be found in the process of boiling or drying hair.

The freezing process, for example, is ice, which we often eat or find in a drink. So, what exactly is crystallization?

Before understanding the crystallization process, we can understand about changes in form first.

Definition of Change of Form


A change in the form of an object is an event where a form changes into a form that is different from the previous form, and in terms of size, shape, color, and taste or smell changes.

These changes are influenced by several other factors such as changes in temperature (heating or cooling).

Changes in form are divided into two, namely:

1. Change is temporary

Temporary material change is a change that can return to its original form, but does not give rise to new matter.

These changes are called physical changes. Examples are freezing, sublimation, and crystallization events.

2. Constant change

Permanent change is a change in matter that cannot return to its original form and can give rise to new material.

Such changes are called chemical changes, for example burning paper.

What Is Crystallized Transformation (Crystallization)?

Crystallization is a change of state from gas to solid. Substance releases heat energy.

Crystallized events can occur because they are caused by a decrease in temperature or heat experienced by objects.

This decrease in temperature causes substances to change shape and properties as well. Examples include steam turning into snow or polluted sewers as carbon dioxide gas solidifies.

It is stated that crystallization is a rare change in the environment. However, humans can conduct experiments to find out the shape of an object resulting from this process.

The experiment can be carried out by separating the mixture with a sublimation system. An example is crystals of iodine (I2) being heated to form vapor (gas).

The vapor then hits the cold glass funnel, causing the iodine vapor to solidify again and change shape to resemble iodine crystals.

Examples of Crystallized Transformation Events

Examples of this crystallized state change are as follows:

1. Formation of Snow

An example of the first crystallized state change event is the formation of snow through the process of precipitation.

Solid snow is formed directly from water vapor which is a gas. The formation of snow by crystallization occurs at low temperatures between minus 12 and minus 15 degrees Celsius.

2. Frost

In winter, you often see ice forming on the roofs of houses and on plant leaves, right?

The ice is frost that is formed due to crystallization events.

When the ambient temperature is very cold, water vapor (gas phase) instantly crystallizes and turns into ice (solid phase) on the surface of objects. Water vapor freezes without melting first.

3. Black Soot in Muffler

Another example of a crystallization event is the appearance of black soot in the exhaust pipe.

In addition to exhausts, black soot can often be seen in chimneys or engines that run on fossil fuels such as oil, coal and natural gas.

Soot is produced from combustion gases which crystallize and turn into black particles, forming soot in car exhausts. So, don’t be surprised why your exhaust suddenly turns black.

4. It’s Kering

Dry ice is widely used as a coolant, in the preparation of various foods, and to create a hazy and smoky effect for presentations.

Dry ice is made of carbon dioxide gas which is compressed and solidifies at a temperature of about minus 57 degrees Celsius.

5. Garam

Salt is a very important commodity for our lives, not only when cooking, but also our bodies need enough salt every day.

In addition, many farmers living offshore work as salt farmers.

Most of them still make salt in the traditional way. There are two known processes, namely the process of evaporation of sunlight and the process of boiling. These two processes have different results.

The resulting salt from the evaporation process is not finer than the salt produced in the boiling process. This is because all seawater is boiled over high heat.

The boiled water gradually evaporates, leaving a precipitate in the form of salt crystals. This is the salt crystallization process carried out by traditional farmers and the results we can use today.

6. Refinement of granulated sugar

Like salt, granulated sugar is a substance related to cooking, food or drink that gives a sweet taste to our tongue.

If you look closely, granulated sugar is small crystals that almost look like salt. Sugar is one of the ingredients commonly used for human nutrition.

The high glucose content in sugar can be converted into energy in the body to keep us moving.

However, sugar consumption should not be excessive because it causes diabetes. The process of crystallization of granulated sugar takes longer.

Crystal sugar is mainly made from sugarcane, so sugarcane must be processed first before the crystallization process.

First of all, the sugarcane must be sorted before being processed (pressing) to get a lot of sugarcane juice.

7. Coffee

Still in the food industry, crystallization is also used in the production of zero waste instant coffee powder.

In contrast to coffee which produces froth, this zero waste coffee grounds is boiled in water so that the coffee grounds dissolve completely like sugar and salt.

We can feel this with the large number of coffee sachets which currently have no dregs.

8. Production of Vetsin or Micin

An example of a change in crystallized form is in the micin. Micin is one of the spices that is often used in cooking because it makes the image of a dish taste much more savory and delicious.

Behind the shape which is in the form of clear grains, it turns out that this is produced from the crystallization process.

The form in the form of granules we often put into cooking in large doses with the reason to make the food taste better.

However, please note that micin is not healthy for the brain and several other organs of the body if consumed too much.

9. Glass Manufacturing

Another example of a crystallized state change event is the manufacture of glass. Making glass is also through the crystallization process. A glass material is melted first through a melting process at high temperatures.

Next is the crystallization process where the vapors and melt will form glass.

10. Jewelry

An example of the last crystallized transformation event is jewelry. Jewelry such as diamonds, gems or rubies go through the crystallization process. Jewelry making does require high detail and temperature.

The process is the melting of magma which is then crystallized to form a beautiful and very valuable piece of jewelry.

Those are examples of crystallized events that can be found in several events around us. Which crystallization events have you seen firsthand?

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