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10 effective and simple remedies to relieve hunger pangs in less than 5 minutes

Sometimes, we are in the throes of real hunger pangs, which will induce us to eat anything. If these are frequent, they will end up affecting our physical fitness and our general balance. Hence, resisting them is really important for both our physical and mental well-being. However, it is not easy, especially when accompanied by stomach cramps. However, it is enough to try to put in place these 10 effective and simple remedies to appease hunger pangs. The first thing to do is drink water and then wait a few minutes. If the hunger is not completely gone, we will resort to the second action. It consists in starting to play on the smartphone, to anything, just to be distracted. Do not think about hunger for a few minutes, it could be decisive for the sudden attack, but it is not always said. Consider that a study revealed that playing Tetris, even for just 3 minutes, can relieve hunger pangs.

Other rules against attacks

Thirdly, we will have to drink coffee, which could lessen the sense of hunger even more than water. Not surprisingly, some studies have found that people eat less after drinking the coffee, especially if decaffeinated. Fourth trick: brushing your teeth, to remove the idea of ​​eating from your mind. Among the 10 effective and simple remedies to quench hunger, there is a fifth rule, which is to eat more protein. In fact, they give a greater sense of satiety and help to counteract stomach cramps. Still, another important action is to do light training, such as walking or some bodyweight movement. Then, you must avoid getting too hungry at meals, distributing them well throughout the day. Hence, it is good to have 3 main meals, with two snacks in the morning and in the afternoon.

10 effective and simple remedies to relieve hunger pangs in less than 5 minutes

Seventh rule is getting enough sleep. In fact, sleeping little increases hunger attacks and negatively affects our balance. As a ninth rule, there is that of eating in a controlled and conscious way, being careful about what we ingest. Finally, looking after mood as depression, mood swings and negativity also affect factors such as obesity, diabetes and dietary imbalances. Ultimately, when a hunger attack comes, we can try to follow these rules and get used to controlling them. In this way, we will also understand which strategies are most effective in our case.

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(The information in this article is for informational purposes only and does not in any way substitute for medical advice and / or the opinion of a specialist. Furthermore, it does not constitute an element for formulating a diagnosis or for prescribing a treatment. For this reason it is recommended, in any case, to always seek the opinion of a doctor or a specialist and to read the warnings regarding this article and the author’s responsibilities which can be consulted. WHO”)—

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