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10 Differences in Animal Cells and Plant Cells, Teach Your Little Ones

Not only humans, but this earth is also inhabited by other creatures, namely animals and plants, Mother. These animals and plants have differences both in physical, function, habits and others. One of the most important differences between animals and plants is the difference between animal cell and plant cells.

The main difference between animal and plant cells lies in their cell walls. Plant cells have a cell wall, while animal cells do not have a cell wall.

But apart from the cell wall, there are various other differences between animal cells and plant cells, Mother. What are the differences, here we summarize 10 differences between animal cells and plant cells, from various sources.

Difference between animal cell and plant cell

Animals and plants are living things that have eukaryotic cells. Both have different cell structures with different functions as well. The following explains the difference between plant cells and animal cells.

1. Size

One of the most striking is the difference in terms of size. Plant cells are larger in size than animal cells. Plant cell size is about 10 um – 100 um. While animal cells are about 10 um – 30 um.

2. Cell wall

The part of the cell that distinguishes between animal cells and plant cells is the presence of a cell wall. The cell wall is a rigid cell membrane and cellulose. This cell wall is only present in plants whereas animals do not have a cell wall. Therefore, the cells of plants are rigid and hard. We can know this from the hard and stiff stems and twigs of plants. The existence of this cell wall is also what makes plant cells can not change, while animal cells can still change shape.

3. Vacuole Size

Vacuoles are part of the endomembrane which is an empty space or has no internal structure. Both animal cell and plant cell both have vacuoles. What makes the difference is the size. Plant cells have a larger vacuole size compared to animal cells and occupy up to 90 percent of the volume of plant cells. Whereas animal cells have smaller vacuoles.

4. Lysosome

The difference between animal cells and other plant cells can be seen from the presence or absence of lysosomes. Animal cells have lysosomes in which there are two types of enzymes, hydrolytic and digestive. Hydrolytic enzymes function to kill bacteria in the body and digestive enzymes function to break down food molecules. While in plant cells lysosomes are rarely found. This is because the breakdown of molecular degradation has been carried out by the Golgi bodies.

5. Chloroplast

The presence of chloroplasts is also the difference between plant cells and animal cells. These chloroplasts are only found in plant cells. Chloroplasts contain chlorophyll which is responsible for photosynthesis.

6. Plastid

In addition to chloroplasts, plants also have plastids whose function is to help the process of photosynthesis. Because its function is to carry out photosynthesis, it is certain that this part of the cell is also not found in animal cells.

7. Sentriol

If the previous two types of cells are only found in plant cells. So these cells are different, centrioles are only found in animals because of their function for cell division in the DNA replication process. Meanwhile, plants do not have centrioles because the cytokinesis process is different from animals.

Differences between animal cells and plant cells/ Photo: Getty Images/iStockphoto/Vitalii Dumma-

8. Silia

The function of cilia is for cell locomotion. Plant cells are stable cells and cannot change or move. So that in plants no cilia are found. Whereas in animals there are cilia because the cells in animals can experience movement.

9. Plasmodesmata

Plasmodesmata function to connect the cytoplasm and become a medium of communication between cells. Plasmodesmata are only found in animal cells while in plant cell there is not any.

1o. Protein synthesis ability

The last difference is in the ability to synthesize protein. In plant cells all types of amino acids can be synthesized. However, in animal cells, only 10 types of amino acids can be synthesized. In addition, cells in plants can also synthesize vitamins and coenzymes, this ability which is also not owned by animal cells.

Those are 10 differences between animal cells and plant cells that can be discussed when chatting with your little one.

[Gambas:Video Haibunda]

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