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10 days without electricity – list shows supplies that you need at home

  1. Heidelberg24
  2. consumer


Von: Tobias Becker

Due to global political events, there is currently concern about a blackout in Baden-Württemberg. Means: A day-long power failure. But how can you take precautions?

What was considered a horror scenario from Hollywood films just a few years ago is now a real concern for many people: What happens if there is a blackout in Baden-Württemberg? Imagine the power grid collapses. No more streetlights, no more computers, no more household appliances. Or in short: A life in darkness.

Blackout danger in BW? Possible reasons for an electricity catastrophe

The idea is not entirely absurd, because on the one hand there is always a risk of terrorism, which also targets the infrastructure. On the other hand, there is a risk of energy bottlenecks, which is why experts are also calling for energy saving. This is even relatively easy with tips and tricks for saving energy, for example when bathing, as HEIDELBERG24 has already explained.

The Federal Office for Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance (BBK) writes just in case: “Your goal must be to be able to survive 10 days without shopping.” But what does it take to be able to survive ten days in a blackout? The BKK has also taken care of this and compiled a list of things that are needed and recommendations for action.

Blackout danger in BW? You need these supplies

Since a power failure in your own home is primarily associated with a lack of light and equipment, according to the BKK you should make sure that you have flashlights, candles, matches and lighters, camping and outdoor lamps within reach. Of course, there should also be a replacement requirement, i.e. batteries, light bulbs and, ideally, an entire replacement device.

But light isn’t the only thing missing from a blackout. Due to the lack of electricity, entire cold chains are interrupted, as are checkout systems. Shopping is therefore hardly possible, in the worst case, which is why the groceries in the household should also be set up as an emergency reserve. There is one for that too List of BKK per person for ten days:

  • 2 liters of water per person per day (i.e. 20 liters for 10 days per person)

    4 kg of vegetables and legumes

  • 3.5 kg of bread, potatoes, pasta, rice, etc.
  • 2.6 kg dairy products
  • 1.5 kg of fish, meat, eggs
  • 0.357 kg fats and oils

Blackout danger in BW? What to consider

There are also other recommendations for action: Hygiene products such as toilet paper or wet wipes should not be forgotten, baby food is also important if you have a baby. The car radio can be used to receive the latest news or listen to government recommendations. That way you don’t get completely cut off. A kitchen radio could be the alternative.

In addition, as a precaution, laptops and smartphones should always be charged. The following applies in particular to mobile phones: power banks make sense. Fire brigade and police should generally not be called in vain, especially not during a blackout, unless it is really an emergency! Background: The lines are overloaded in such an exceptional situation. (tobi)

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