Weather forecast 10 days in advance Hold the heat for a minute. Rain clouds are expected to increase between May 3-9. Beware of summer storms
Department of Meteorology Update the forecast results of daily cumulative precipitation and winds at 925hPa (750 m) level 10 days in advance between 30 April and 9 May 2024 from the European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), which is a result-based analysis the model.
In the period 30 April – 2 May 2024, the weather is still hot and very hot. The chance of rain is still low. There are some places. Especially in the southern coast of Andaman and the lower region to the south. You have to take care of your health due to the hot to very hot weather. Be careful of heatstroke Especially those with chronic diseases children and the elderly
In the period 3-9 May 2024, the wind began to change direction. west southwest wind At the upper level a wave of wind from the West is blowing over it and the signs of clouds and rain are starting to increase a little. Especially in the northeast, center, east, Bangkok and the surrounding areas (south winds, southeast winds blowing), the extremely hot weather will start to cool down. It can cool down a bit. After it started to rain but had to be careful about the summer storms. As for the southern region, there will continue to be thunderstorms on the windward side of the Andaman coast.
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2024-04-30 06:22:00
#Weather #Forecast #signs #rain #ready #juicy