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10 Cities with the Most Expensive Cost of Living in Indonesia, Number 3 Becomes a Worker Magnet


The city of Bekasi is one of the cities with the most expensive cost of living. Foto/bekasikota.go.id

JAKARTA – Big cities in Indonesia have always been an attraction for residents to find a new life. Diverse jobs available in big cities with a size of salary interesting.

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Although promising a better income, big cities also suck up a lot of salary or income for various necessities of life. Starting from food needs to entertainment, must be paid more expensive when compared to living in the area.

The cost of living in a city is influenced by several factors. Generally, the busier a city, the higher the price of necessities.

So if people want to bring friends or relatives to seek their fortune in big cities, they must first understand some of the main challenges. One of them is the high cost of living.

Citing various sources, Tuesday (3/5/2022), here are the 10 cities with the most expensive living costs in Indonesia:

1. Jakarta

Jakarta ranks first as the city with the most expensive cost of living. According to the results of the 2018 Cost of Living (SBH) survey, the total average per capita expenditure in Jakarta is IDR 4,446,770. The average per capita expenditure is the cost incurred for the consumption of all household members for a month, both from purchases, gifts and own production divided by the number of household members in the household. Meanwhile, the total average household expenditure is Rp. 16. 897,727.

2. Surabaya

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