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10 Animals That Interbreed with the Same Sex, Number 7 Similar to Humans

JAKARTAAnimals that mate with the same sex is also a natural phenomenon that turns out to be often found. In fact, a study shows about 1,500 species of animals are known to practice same-sex relationships, ranging from insects, fish, birds, and mammals.

Every researcher has described same-sex mating in animals as something completely different from sex. It must be realized that animals can have sex with whom they want, whenever they want and regardless of whether it is male or female.

Same-sex mating behavior is found among birds and social mammals, especially marine mammals and primates. Here are 10 animals that mate with the same sex as quoted from the site: DW:

1. Giraffe

This long-necked animal is known to mate more with the same sex than the opposite sex. In fact, research says same-sex mating accounts for more than 90 percent of all sexual activity observed in giraffes.

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Not only do they mate right away, male giraffes know how to flirt, first touching each other’s necks. Then gently rub the neck all the way to the body of the other male. This foreplay can last up to an hour.

2. Bottle Nose Dolphin

Both female and male bottle nose dolphins show same-sex mating behavior. Includes oral actions in which one dolphin stimulates the other with its snout.

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