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10 Amazing Health Benefits of Harp Fruit That You Need to Know


SAMARINDA.NIAGA.ASIA – Kecapi fruit or commonly known as sentul fruit, is a small fruit with white flesh identical to the mangosteen fruit.

This fruit has quite thick skin and large seeds. The lute fruit tastes sweet but slightly sour. The lyre fruit comes from the Malay Peninsula and Indochina.

Reporting from various sources, Friday (24/11/23), the following are a series of benefits of consuming lyre fruit, including:

1.Prevent Diabetes

Reporting from Healthy Benefits Times, harp fruit is useful in preventing diabetes. Harp fruit is good for diabetics. Harp fruit is rich in fiber and has a fairly low glycemic index.

Fiber is very useful in slowing down the process of digestion of food, thereby reducing the absorption of sugar in the blood. Blood sugar levels in the body are controlled.

2.Prevent Anemia

Harp fruit is also known to prevent anemia. Harp fruit has a fairly high iron and mineral content. This content plays an important role in the formation of red blood cells. Not only that, harp fruit also contains vitamin C which can help the process of absorbing iron in the body.

3. Prevent hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are a health condition caused by swollen blood vessels in the anal canal. Suffering from hemorrhoids will of course really disturb your comfort, because it can cause pain every time you defecate. To overcome health problems such as hemorrhoids, you can consume harp fruit.

Harp fruit contains vitamin C which can help promote healthy endothelium in blood vessels. Not only that, the fiber content in harp fruit is very useful in maintaining the consistency of stool so that it remains soft. That way, you don’t have to push too hard when defecating.

4.Lowers Bad Cholesterol

Harp fruit is believed to reduce bad cholesterol in the body. To reduce bad cholesterol levels in the body, it is highly recommended to reduce consumption of foods that contain excess fat.

Fatty foods that need to be avoided include fried foods, chicken skin, red meat, potato chips and ice cream. By consuming lyre fruit, it can help lower cholesterol because it contains pectin and fiber.

5.Minimizes the Risk of Cancer

Cancer is a deadly disease caused by free radical attacks. Harp fruit contains high levels of antioxidants so it can help prevent the growth of cancer cells in the body. To get maximum results, it is recommended to consume harp fruit regularly.

6.Overcome Constipation

Another benefit of lyre fruit is that it can treat diarrhea and constipation. The fiber content in lyre fruit is very effective in overcoming the problem of defecation difficulties. The fiber content in lute fruit can also change the texture of the stool to make it soft, so it will be easy to pass.

7. Control body weight

Consuming lyre fruit is believed to control body weight. This is because harp fruit contains quite high fiber, so it can make you feel full longer.

If you feel full, your desire to eat will decrease, so your weight can be controlled. Uncontrolled weight will only invite other health problems, for example stroke, hypertension, diabetes, obesity, sleep disorders and hormonal disorders.

8. Increases body immunity

Quoted in one of the detikHealth articles, consuming lyre fruit is very useful in maintaining and increasing the human body’s immunity. Harp fruit contains high levels of antioxidants and vitamin C so it can maintain the body’s immune system.

9.Maintaining Dental and Oral Health

Teeth and mouth are one part of the body that is important to maintain health. Well, one way you can maintain healthy teeth and mouth is to brush your teeth regularly.

Apart from that, it turns out that consuming lyre fruit is believed to stimulate the production of more saliva. So, it can reduce the growth of bacteria in the teeth and mouth area.

10. Relieve allergies

The last benefit of lyre fruit is that it can be used to treat allergies. Allergies are often caused by different things. It can be caused by cosmetics, dust, even food. The effects that will result from allergies include the appearance of a rash and itching on the skin.

Allergies cannot actually be cured, but they can be treated and the symptoms can be relieved. One way to treat allergies is to consume harp fruit. This is because harp fruit contains acidic compounds which function in treating allergies if consumed regularly.@

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Tag: harp
2023-11-26 15:57:42
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