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1 Measles Patient Can Infect 10 People Around Him At Once

The measles virus spreads faster than the cause of Covid-19.

GridHEALTH.id – Illness measles should not be underestimated, because it is very contagious.

Recently, there has been a spike in measles cases in Indonesia and resulted in a number of provinces issuing Extraordinary Events (KLB) status for this disease.

The Indonesian Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) said the increase in cases reached 32 times compared to previous years.

Very High Contagiousness

Measles is caused by a virus known as morbillivirus. The virus can be found in the nose and throat of an infected person.

Specialist Doctor of Pediatrics Subspecialist in Child Health Infectious and Tropical Diseases Prof. Dr. dr. Hinky Hindra Irawan said, a virus cause of measles has a very high contagiousness.

Read Also: Over 3000 Cases Occur, Ministry of Health Declares Indonesia Measles Outbreak!

An infected person can transmit this disease to more than 10 people around him.

“Measles, the infectiousness of each measles patient can infect 12-13 people, who breathe in the air containing the virus,” said Professor Hinky in a media interview at Pondok Indah Hospital, Friday (27/1/2023).

The speed of transmission is even called faster than Covid-19, which for the last two years has become the enemy of society.

The SARS-CoV-2 virus which causes Covid-19, when in the air will only cause two to three people around it to get sick.

“So, imagine that measles is 6-7 times more contagious than Covid. So it’s very easily transmitted, it’s very easy to cause extraordinary events,” he explained.

Read Also: Being one of the deadliest diseases, here’s what experts can do to prevent and control measles


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