First the Mainz team crushed the Gladbachers, now the FC. Disgusting troop.
Absolutely! Turned off 2 of our top people. The interview with Bell, in which he narrowly said it could have been red and then didn’t even wish Tony a speedy recovery, clearly documents the lack of sportsmanship.
And then another head coach who now after 12 match days already at least 2 yellow cards, unfortunately I couldn’t find the statistics anywhere, I think he even has 3, and the unsportiness and the mistakes only see the others.
The anti-social behavior seems to be exemplified from above!
I also felt the same way.
It was definitely a physical game and we also had one or the other action, Duda, for example, in the opposing penalty area, quite unnecessary. But that couldn’t be compared with the actions in Mainz.
How they jumped into Horn and Modeste with no prospect of the ball was very borderline.
One of them jumps his knee into the man first and the other runs into the goalkeeper at the tee in such a way that he completely rivets Horn around, plus knees at the side.
An injury to the opponent was definitely willfully accepted.
It is significant that Svensson feels totally attacked after the game. You weren’t there live, but the only one I heard loudly saying “Verpiss dich” etc. was his co.
Handshake then refused, etc. Everything was a bit unsportsmanlike, in my opinion.
Perhaps also the intention, after several unsportsmanlike behavior, now to divert everything to Mc Kenna, who “personally insulted” him so badly. In all of his time at FC McKenna I never really noticed as a warrior, but well, you weren’t there live.
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