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1. FC Kaiserslautern’s Home Defeat, But Good News for Fans

1. FC Kaiserslautern played convincingly against Hansa, but lost 1-0 and suffered their third home defeat of the season. There is good news nonetheless.

The last second division showdown at the Betzenberg between 1. FC Kaiserslautern and Hansa Rostock came alive again in the memories of the fans this week. No wonder, because on April 23, 2010,

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niEe eugt ictrhhcaN bga es rumlfu&; den 1. CF tuaKraisrelnse aerb ohcd no:hc ielnaD ilkHans ltbbie edm luKb rb;&mulue sda ​​dReenndeun shianu ee.nathlr Wei rt&fe;ef&lacumhlsurhmGs;u oshmTa enHgne ges⁢tebatl,um thltma&;elnu dre ma 30. nJui aelefuausnd rgVarte sed i; luh-6gnreJam&2 niee neethnpsceedr uealls.K

I know stnielep you are

.1 FC ltiKnsreaur:esa teLhu – rei,mZm uhotrmB 9.(6 R)pap, aoTm,ik kcuZ – Neuihse 7(.7 e)Lgbniro – osliZink (4.6 ,)eerHhcr eiRrt,t ianklHs (64. en,lt)Kme Okpou – oyBd

nHsaa t:sooRck kKeol – ln,eMao nav lrngnoDee 8.2( sezil&ir,;enMg) chs;ziolaR&gb – N,itrahed Fe,mud∨l aemhrhcSuc – rDeelss, &goinrFlum;l (1.7 rucrt&heo)Sm;l – ou;regmPrl& (. 75 )zS,&iu;agtrls tsHernreie (7.1 oek)Vre.h

Tor: 0:1 er;rglP&mou )(4.2 – Gbele Kt:raen uothmrB 3,() Zilkoins ,)(3 paRp 3,() miTaok )9( – Nhtiared (,)4 Srto&rel;c,hum ehkeVor ()6 – eetsB :Sleipre m,Zriem ,Knmetle irettR – lK,oek orgP;&rum,el nav Dnlrgoene – :arZhscuue 925.74 – hdierhrciSc:est asuithm-;tGhreWkulcn&iz (ne.Be)mr

#Defeat #Rostock #dominance #yield #Kaiserslautern

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