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1.2 billion euros more for education and research! : Swen Schulz, Member of the Bundestag

1.2 billion euros more for education and research!

26.November 2020

Consultations by the Budget Committee bring record results

Swen Schulz, SPD rapporteur in the budget committee for education and research, explains about the final deliberations on the federal budget for 2021:
These budget consultations are record breaking! We will provide over 1.2 billion euros more for education and research over the next few years. At the same time, we make it clear that the Bundestag must be involved in federal-state agreements and that federal funds must be appropriately spent by the federal states.

In detail, we are increasing the funds for the rescue parachute training by 150 million to 500 million euros, providing an additional 200 million euros for emergency aid and discounted loans for students and around 100 million euros for digital education. A smaller sum, but still very important for many: We are strengthening literacy with three million euros.

In research we are increasing the funds for dementia research, the social and human sciences, alternatives to animal experiments, plant breeding and science communication.

The success of the university medicine network was so convincing that we want to consolidate it and expand it thematically: 290 million euros are available for this until 2024. Various new research facilities are being created: A Fraunhofer Center for Biogenic Value Creation and Smart Farming with locations in Bavaria and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Fraunhofer Immunology, Infection and Pandemic Research in Bavaria, Hamburg, Potsdam and Berlin as well as a new Fraunhofer Institute for Public safety in Berlin. In addition, Helmholtz institutions receive additional funds for infection research. Last but not least, the University Heart Center Berlin is secured with 100 million euros until 2028.

We have blocked the funds for the new federal-state agreement for artificial intelligence in university teaching and requested a concept. At the same time, we have made it clear that the budget committee must be involved from the outset and be able to present its views before such agreements are concluded by the federal and state governments.

With regard to the sharp criticism of the Federal Audit Office of the implementation of the higher education pact by the federal states and universities, we have blocked 15% of the funding planned for next year. The funds can be unlocked if the remaining expenditure is already low or noticeably reduced and used for university places and better teaching in accordance with the purpose of the university pact.

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