Bremen (ots) –

Location: Bremen, Schwachhausen, Mitte, Osterholz, Findorfallee, Friedrich-Rauers-Strasse, Kölner Strasse

Time: 04/15/2022 – 04/17/2022

Unknown persons damaged several vehicles with Ukrainian license plates in Bremen in the past two nights. The Bremen police have started the investigation and are looking for witnesses.

In the night from Friday to Saturday, tires from a total of five cars were punctured in the Findorfallee and on Friedrich-Rauers-Straße. During the night from Saturday to Sunday, strangers smashed the windows and headlights of two parked cars on Kölner Strasse. All vehicles had Ukrainian license plates. Other parked cars with German license plates remained intact at the locations. There was property damage of several thousand euros. The state protection of the police in Bremen is investigating a politically motivated act. The permanent criminal service takes witness tips on 0421-362 3888.


Questions to:

Bremen police press office
Nils Matthiesen


Police report Bremen region: No.: 0227 -Damage to Ukrainian vehicles-

Press portal blue light

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