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?‍♀ Horoscope for today, March 5, for all zodiac signs | news

Daily horoscope on 5-tv.ru for all zodiac signs. Today, March 5, the Moon is in Cancer. During this period, it is worth doing some monotonous and unhurried work. Also, do not lend, as you have to wait a very long time for the return of money. It is worth being as attentive as possible to your loved ones.

♈ Aries

Aries, you are not at all the same person that you were before. You grow and evolve, and it’s just wonderful. Perhaps you should analyze the main goals that you set for yourself. Are they all worthy of your energy?

Space Council: prioritize correctly.

♉ Taurus

Taurus, clean up the house. This will help you not only enjoy the cleanliness, but also clear the mess that is going on in your head. Who knows what they can find during cleaning. Old, forgotten things will remind you of pleasant moments in life and give a charge of positive energy.

Space Council: restore order in the house and in the head.

♊ twins

Everyone wants to give advice, but no one wants to listen to them. Try to correct this omission. Listen to what you are being told. This does not mean that you need to do something at the direction of others, but ignoring the opinions of others is also wrong.

Space Council: heed the advice.

♋ cancer

Crayfish, time with family is what you really need now. Give unexpected gifts to your loved ones, or give them an unusual surprise. The feelings that you experience will be the key to a good week.

Space Council: spend time with your family.

♌ Leo

Lions, you are now on top. Good luck smiled at you, now the most important thing is not to miss it. Try to do what you are really interested in, because this is how you can become truly happy.

Space Council: do what you are interested in.

♍ Virgo

Virgo, each person is unique. Do not let spores grow into quarrels. Let hot dialogues not become what separates, but what makes you an even more versatile person. Be prepared for the fact that not everyone agrees with your point of view.

Space Council: argue, but do not quarrel.

♎ Scales

Libra, if you knew everything in the world, it would be just boring to live. Therefore, it’s enough to cut yourself for the fact that you do not have enough knowledge. This is all due to self-doubt. Craving for knowledge is wonderful, but not to the detriment of one’s well-being.

Space council: Do not torment yourself with nit-picking.

♏ Scorpio

Scorpions, we often hide our true identity behind a mask of indifference, although in fact we experience strong emotions. Your own fears prevent you from achieving real success and getting the approval that you long for.

Space Council: remove the masks.

♐ Sagittarius

Sagittarius, from your side your mistakes, failures and sad times are not visible. Each of these periods played an important role in your life and made of you who you are now. You are a real pewter soldier, fighter and role model, but sometimes you still need to give yourself a little relaxation and maybe even cry into your pillow.

Space Council: sometimes you can be sad.

♑ Capricorn

Capricorn, experience – this is the wisdom that guides you in the right direction. Do not be ashamed of your past, but look ahead straight ahead, not looking back. You know your worth, now it’s time to figure out the goals.

Space Council: experience is your wealth.

♒ Aquarius

Do you want to do art, love and be loved, watch the stars and talk about galaxies that are outside our universe? So who doesn’t let you do all this? No need to be upset every time something fails. You just need to get up and do it.

Space Council: hold the beat.

♊ fish

Pisces, always strive to move towards the light, even if ill-wishers interfere with you. Do not let them fill your soul with negativity. You are a kind, open person whom others love. Stay like this always.

Space Council: keep enemies at a distance.

5-tv.ru previously published astroprognosis for all zodiac signs for the week of March 2-8.

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