Home Β» today Β» Entertainment Β» 😍 TikTok distances itself from the social network Facebook and claims to be an entertainment platform πŸ‘ Noticias RTV

😍 TikTok distances itself from the social network Facebook and claims to be an entertainment platform πŸ‘ Noticias RTV

Meta tries to apply to its social networks what is working for third parties. In this way, it ensures that the offer that attracts users is concentrated on its platforms. However, a TikTok executive wanted to clarify that Meta’s networks are social and the short video app is intended for entertainment.

The complaints were made guaranteeing full respect for the person in charge of Meta.

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As CEO of Meta, Mark Zuckerberg has focused on his social networks, such as Instagram and Facebook, features of other applications, ensuring that users find what they need and like in his proprietary ones. An example is, for example, the short videos that TikTok made popular.

Although it has completed the platform with lives and other resources such as advertising, the goal has always been to guarantee a space where people can share and consume videos in a few seconds, within a highly prepared algorithm to glue users to the screen.

TikTok knows it has a recipe for success

Because it is a format that works and effectively retains users for hours, Meta rescued it, renamed it, and included a similar one on Facebook and Instagram. And TikTok seems to be aware of it.

In fact, Blake Chandlee, president of global business solutions for TikTok, made it clear that the apps are different, have different goals, and that the one he represents has no interest in getting close to Mark Zuckerberg's.

Facebook is a social platform. They built all of their algorithms around the social graph. This is your main competition. ours is not.

We are an entertainment platform. The difference is significant. It is a big difference.

Blake Chandlee, who worked for 12 years at Facebook before joining TikTok in 2019, clarified in an interview with CNBC.

Blake Chandlee, President of Global Business Solutions at TikTokBlake Chandlee, President of Global Business Solutions at TikTok

Blake Chandlee, President of Global Business Solutions at TikTok


In addition, the executive of the short video platform said that Facebook could have problems if it tries to copy the TikTok concept, as it will end up offering an inferior experience to users and to the brands themselves.

Aware of the accusations, the TikTok executive assured that he has enormous respect for Mark Zuckerberg and pointed out that, in addition to Meta's social networks, the short video platform has more and more competitors around the world.

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