Here is a list of 1 meanings and / or definitions for the word fertilization
- Female ♀️ Action and effect of fertilizing. Also used in sent. figuratively. © Royal Spanish Academy.
Word writing fertilization
We show you how to spell and write the word fertilization in Spanish
F efe
E e
R for this
T at
I i
L he
I i
WITH zeta
A a
C this
I i
Oh oh
N one
Composition and syllables
The word fertilization contains 5 vowels, 7 consonants and is composed of a total of 13 letters.
FERTILIZACIÓN contains 5 syllables
– ti
– li
– za
– ción
] and it’s a word
Sharp. Sharp words are those that have the accent on the last syllable, and accents are given only to those that end in s, not with a vowel, there are some words that this rule does not apply to them due to the breakage of the diphthong.
The word fertilization
It has an accent in the letter or
and its stressed syllable is
tion which corresponds to its last syllable.
Words that rhyme with fertilization
These are some words that rhyme with fertilization
Synonyms of fertilization
These are the synonyms of the word fertilization that we have in our dictionary
Usage Examples
Let’s look at some sentences using the word fertilization
- Schleiden also stressed the importance of pollen in the fertilization process of plants.
- Common plant care – watering, fertilizing during dry weather.
- Specify the type of fertilization or other soil treatments:
- Definition English: Asexual reproduction that results in the formation of viable FLOWER seeds without fertilization (i.e., the use of POLLEN).
- In particular, excessive fertilization and algal blooms caused by excess nutrients from runoff threaten the ecological balance of the Baltic Sea.
- Controlled fertilization experiments are carried out mainly in our own facilities.
- But what kind of process led to fertilization?
- Commerce has been the great civilizer by promoting cross-cultural fertilization.
- All this implies a new management of the soil through fertilization with green manures.
- Organic fertilizers are nowadays considered essential for a correct fertilization of crops in general.
- All germination, fertilization and fecundity activities have to do with the moon.
- The fertilization process in plants occurs when gametes unite and create a zygote.
- Full-action herbicides, as well as start-up fertilization and slow-release products are practices that are rapidly gaining ground.
- I knew the next step was in vitro fertilization (IVF).
Words that are written similar to fertilization
List of some words that are spelled similar or sound the same and can cause confusion in writing, making some grammatical and / or spelling mistakes.
Most common spelling mistakes
List of some spelling errors at the time of writing the word fertilization. We teach you the correct way to write it.
- ✅fertilization or ❌fertilization
- ✅fertilization or ❌fertilization
- ✅fertilization or ❌fertilization
- ✅fertilization or ❌fertilization
- ✅fertilization or ❌ferrtilization
- ✅fertilization or ❌fertilization
The correct way to spell the word is ✅fertilization. Some words do not exist in the Spanish language or may change their meaning when changing a letter.
The most common mistakes occur when using the letters H, S, C, Z, Y, LL, X and Z
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