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[헬스픽] 6 good foods to induce a good night’s sleep

[제작=최소연 디자이너]

Sleeping well is as important as eating well. Shorter sleep times increase the secretion of appetite hormones, increase the risk of obesity, and make it difficult to maintain adequate blood sugar and blood pressure. Just changing your meal menu can lead to a good night’s sleep. Discover good food that makes you sleepy.

◆ Spinach

Spinach, kale, and leafy greens such as lettuce are high in calcium, which stimulates the body’s production of the sleep hormone melatonin. While we sleep, glatathione helps remove free radicals to prevent aging and repair brain damage.

◆ Tuna

Vitamin B6 in tuna is the main ingredient that produces melatonin and serotonin, the sleep hormones, and induces good sleep. It is also rich in vitamin D, which helps relieve depression and maintain a normal sleep rhythm, and omega-3s and DHA promote brain health.

◆ polished rice

To get a good night’s sleep, when the brain sleeps, other organs must stop working and rest as well. Eating foods that take a long time to digest, such as lean meat and complex carbohydrates, make it easier to fall asleep at night. White rice is suitable for dinner because it digestes quickly and converts energy quickly. However, diabetic patients should be careful as the glycemic index is high.

◆ Cherry Tart

Sour cherries can help improve symptoms of insomnia by increasing melatonin levels. A study published in the Journal of Medicinal Food also found that drinking a glass of cherry juice could help you fall asleep faster.

◆ chamomile

A study published in the international academic journal Molecular Medicine Report found that a cup of chamomile relieves stress and induces good sleep. Chamomile also has the ability to boost immunity and reduce anxiety and depression.

◆ Almond

A study published in the Journal of Research in Medical Sciences found that adults taking magnesium supplements fell asleep faster and woke up early in the morning. Almonds are rich in magnesium, which helps you sleep, and polyphenols boost immunity. It has a feeling of fullness, so it’s perfect for a late night snack.

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