Home » today » World » [한손뉴스]Conspiracy theories spreading in the US “made by the Texas snow government that doesn’t melt”

[한손뉴스]Conspiracy theories spreading in the US “made by the Texas snow government that doesn’t melt”

The conspiracy theory that heavy snowfall in Texas, USA led by the US government, is spreading.

On the 15th, as a cold wave and heavy snow hit Texas, electricity was cut off to 3.3 million houses and buildings. Even in winter, the temperature in Texas, which remained above 10 degrees Celsius, dropped from -22 degrees below zero to 18 degrees.

As the snowfall in Texas did not melt for a week due to the cold wave, several TikTok users living in Texas argued for conspiracy theories. It says that’the snow on Texas is fake and the government made it’.

One TikTok user applied heat to his eyes with a dryer and uploaded a video saying “does not melt” and recorded more than 300,000 views. Subsequently, several TikTok users posted videos of similar experiments, which became popular. They all argue that “I applied heat to the snow, but the water does not drip, so it is not real snow.”

However, the phenomenon that water does not drip when intense heat is applied to the eyes can be explained scientifically.

When ice has a higher temperature than its surroundings, it immediately sublimates without passing through the liquid. Sublimation refers to a phenomenon in which a solid becomes a gas without passing through a liquid. The snow accumulated in winter slowly disappears because of the sublimation phenomenon.

Local media reported that at least 30 people have died so far in the cold wave that has hit the entire United States. Among these, the deaths in traffic accidents due to the company and freezing were included, and a family member who died from carbon monoxide poisoning after using a vehicle to endure the cold left a regret.

YTN PLUS Reporter Jeong Yoon-joo
([email protected])

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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