A previously alive fly was discovered in the transverse colon of an American man in his 60s during a colonoscopy. <Photo = Journal of the American Society of Gastroenterology>
The corpse of a fly that appeared to have been alive until recently was found in the body of a patient undergoing a colonoscopy. There is speculation that flies that entered the body in the form of maggots may have hatched in the patient’s intestines.
On the 22nd, local time, foreign media such as the British Independent reported that a 63-year-old man living in Missouri, USA, recently discovered an intact fly in the transverse colon, the upper part of the large intestine, during a routine examination.
Professor Matthew Bechtold of the Department of Gastroenterology at the University of Missouri Hospital, who conducted the examination at the time, confirmed in an interview with The Independent, “A fly was stuck inside the patient’s large intestine. When I poked it with a probe with another doctor, it was dead.” .
He continued, “If a fly had entered the patient’s mouth, it would have been decomposed by stomach acid and would not have been intact. It is a mystery in itself that the fly would be found in the large intestine.” However, Professor Bechtold added that the last lettuce the patient ate before the examination could be the cause.
In fact, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in 1984, live bugs were found in the stool of a 12-month-old girl in Washington state. At the time, experts analyzed that the banana the child ate contained fly eggs and that the larvae may have survived in the stomach.
This case was published in a recent issue of the American Journal of Gastroenterology.
2023-11-23 08:44:00
#포착 #possible.. #Flies #colonoscopy #U.S