Home » today » News » [특보] While walking, suddenly ‘mugwort’… Open manholes ‘minefield’

[특보] While walking, suddenly ‘mugwort’… Open manholes ‘minefield’


Another risk factor that caused casualties in this heavy rain is ‘manholes’.

The manhole cover fell off due to pressure from various parts of the city, and people passing by fell and went missing.

Reporter Sejeong Kim reports.


A man with an umbrella and a woman in a raincoat go outside in the pouring rain.

The two men disappeared as soon as they left the building.

It is reported that the black box of a car parked nearby contained a scene of two people walking and falling into a manhole.

[실종자 가족/음성변조 : “(블랙박스 보면)비틀거리다가 (누나가) 저기로 빠졌고…이렇게 잡으려다가 남동생까지 두 사람 빠지고 끝이에요. 그게 불과 한 몇 초 사이에 그렇게 돼버린 거예요.”]

At that time, the street was filled with water up to the height of an adult’s knee due to heavy rain exceeding 120 mm per hour.

The missing do not appear to have seen the open manhole underneath.

It is presumed that this manhole was opened because it could not overcome the internal pressure due to heavy rain yesterday (8th) night.

It was a ‘lockable’ manhole cover that could not be opened without applying a strong force.

At the time of the torrential downpour, a scene of water rushing out of the manhole was observed in various parts of the metropolitan area.

At this pressure, even the fixed manhole cover is likely to come off.

However, what appears to be less dangerous and helpless is the ‘invisibly’ open manhole.

[송창영/광주대학교 방재안전학과 교수 : “상습 침수 지역의 도로 밑이라든지 초등학교 운동장 밑이라든지 공원 밑에 지하 저류조를 만들어서 추가되는 강우에 대응할 수 있는 시스템이 구축되어야 하죠.”]

Manhole accidents are not easy to search for and rescue.

It is said that the search for this disappearance started only after the water receded several hours later.

There are more than 270,000 manholes connected to underground pipelines in Seoul alone.

This is Sejeong Kim from KBS News.

Cinematographer: Min-sik Ahn/Video editing: Kang Hae Wii

■ Report
▷ Kakao Talk: Search ‘KBS Report’
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