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[정치]President Moon “Stage 3 upgrade review critical phase”

If President Moon Jae-in cannot stop the spread of Corona 19 now, he has diagnosed it as a critical phase and the greatest crisis to review the three steps of social distancing.

However, he said that it is difficult to imagine the pain and damage that will be experienced by the three-level upgrade, and that raising it to three stages is the last resort.

Let’s hear it yourself.

[문재인 / 대통령 (어제)]

If we do not break the spread of the current trend, it is an important step to consider raising the social distancing step 3 as well. It’s hard to imagine the pain and damage you’ll suffer from a three-level upgrade.

Now is the time to take full action against the success or failure of K-Defense. It will be necessary to suppress the corona in a short period of time with a rapid test that exceeds the speed of corona spread and preemptive quarantine.

We hope that the government, local governments, and the private sector will work together to secure hospital beds and life treatment centers. This is the last step before vaccines and treatments are used. Until then, the practice of social distancing is the strongest vaccine and treatment.

Please join forces together. As it is an emergency situation, please refrain from meeting and traveling as much as possible. Raising social distancing to three levels is the last resort.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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