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[정치]Party/Government/Office “Vaccination from February next year… 120% of citizens will contract”


In addition, the Democratic Party, the government, and the Blue House have announced that they will start preparing for the vaccine, saying that they will start vaccinating against Corona 19 from February next year.

He repeatedly stressed that he would contract a vaccine to the level of 120% of the number of Koreans, but he said that the people’s strength was already late, and urged them to secure a vaccine even through a swap with the US.

Reporter Han Yeon-hee reports.


“We have already secured enough supplies to protect our people.”

President Roh Young-min, presidential secretary at the party, government, and office meetings, showed confidence in securing the Corona 19 vaccine.

It means that we can contract for about 120% of the number of our people.

He stressed that it is never too late, saying that the vaccination will start for medical staff and the elderly by February of next year.

[노영민 / 대통령 비서실장 : 세계 각국은 내년 2/4분기에 일반 국민을 대상으로 접종을 시작할 예정입니다. 우리도 비슷한 시기에 일반 국민을 대상으로 접종을 시작하게 될 것입니다.]

To this end, the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has also decided to set up a response team for corona 19 vaccination.

They are planning to do the vaccination preparation work in advance, such as purchasing accessory items such as a cryogenic freezer and syringe to store the vaccine, and securing distribution costs.

Due to legal issues, it was pointed out that the pre-contract for a vaccine that has not been developed is delayed.

[최인호 / 더불어민주당 수석대변인 : 관련 당국에서 여러 가지 대책과 성과들에 대한 공유가 있었고요. 자세한 내용들은 보건복지부나 관련 당국에서 추후에 자세하게 발표를 1월 중에 할 것입니다.]

However, the criticism continued, saying that the people’s strength was already late.

He suggested that the current trend would make it more difficult to obtain a vaccine, and proposed a trade-off with the US, which has already secured a large amount.

[박진 / 국민의힘 의원 : 미국이 우리에게 시급한 백신을 먼저 긴급 지원 해주고 한국은 국내에서 백신을 생산하여 미국에 갚는 형식의 ‘한미 백신 파트너십’을 통한 백신 스와프 방안을 제안한다.]

The party, the government, and the government emphasized that they would disclose the vaccine security situation to the public in a timely manner, but as the contract is a security matter, the fight over the vaccine is expected to continue for some time.

This is YTN Han Yeon-hee.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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