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[정치]Justice Party to discuss emergency delegation meeting today…


The Justice Party holds an emergency delegation meeting today regarding the sexual harassment case of former CEO Kim Jong-cheol and discusses whether to run for re-election in Seoul and Busan in April, and how to prepare for it.

In the midst of this, former Minister of SMEs and Startups Park Young-sun officially declared a run for the Seoul Mayor by-election.

For more information, try connecting reporters to the National Assembly. Reporter Lee Kyung-guk!

Controversy continues over the sexual harassment case of former CEO Kim Jong-cheol.

The Justice Party is holding an emergency meeting today?


Yes, first of all, a general meeting of the Justice Party lawmakers was held this morning.

Wonnae Kang Eun-mi repeatedly expressed his apology, saying that he would make an effort to sharpen bones for change.

Let’s listen first.

[강은미 / 정의당 원내대표 : 아프지만 치열한 노력으로 당도 성숙하고, 우리 사회의 새로운 기준도 만들어 나가겠습니다. 이번 사건으로 상처받은 모든 분, 국민 여러분께 다시 한 번 머리 숙여 사과드립니다.]

The Justice Party, which was in shock after the fact of sexual harassment was revealed, is starting to prepare a full-fledged response plan from today.

The emergency delegation meeting is held privately at the National Assembly at 4 PM this afternoon.

Vice President Kim Yun-ki, who is acting as the representative of the party, presides over the meeting.

The meeting will focus on discussions on plans for the party representative’s by-election and reform of the organizational culture.

Along with this, it is expected that a run for the Seoul and Busan mayoral by-elections scheduled for April will be covered.

Since it is a by-election that is held due to the sexual misconduct by the head of a local government, we will consider whether it is appropriate to submit a candidate.

At a meeting of the Justice Party delegation yesterday, there was an opinion that the party should discuss its reform measures, including whether to run for re-election.

It is reported that the Seoul Justice Party and the Busan City Party also conveyed the opinion that the leadership should approach carefully.

The Justice Party plans to come up with a concrete plan through a meeting of the chairpersons of the city and provincial parties tomorrow and the Standing Committee the day after tomorrow, and decide it at the National Committee to be held on the 30th.

After the fact of the sexual harassment of former CEO Kim Jong-cheol was revealed yesterday, voices of criticism continued on the bulletin board of the Justice Party member.

From the opinion that it is a terrible feeling and that it may not be supported anymore, to the general resignation of the leadership and the dissolution of the party.

Regarding this, officials from the leadership said they were seriously looking at the situation in a call with YTN, but said they would focus on refining the inside, saying that they are not considering the resignation of the leadership or dissolution of the party.

Meanwhile, the Justice Party Current Committee is planning to hold a meeting soon and discuss the level of disciplinary action against former CEO Kim Jong-cheol.


We will also look at news related to the April by-election.

Former Minister of Small and Medium Venture Business Park Young-sun officially declared a run for the Seoul Mayor by-election, right?


Yes, a little while ago, at 11 am, former Minister Park Young-sun officially declared a run for mayor of Seoul.

We also announced our core commitments and visions under the theme of’The Great Transformation of Seoul City’.

First, he announced that he would create 21’compact cities’ in Seoul where apartments, workplaces, cultural facilities, and schools are gathered.

Listen for yourself.

[박영선 / 전 중소벤처기업부 장관 : 출퇴근과 통학이 21분 안에 되는 21개의 ‘컴팩트 앵커’를, 즉 서울을 21개의 다핵 분산 도시 형태로 만들겠습니다.]

Along with this, the company made a pledge to protect the right to live for self-employed and small business owners through the transition to a digital economy, and to transform after-school education and care into platform-type education.

With former Minister Park’s declaration to run today, the composition of the second wave with Rep. Sang-ho Woo, who is already taking active steps, including policy announcements, has been confirmed.

The Democratic Party is planning to finalize a candidate for the mayor of Seoul on March 1 and Busan mayor on March 11 after receiving applications for preliminary candidates from tomorrow.

The power of the people who are running out of business has filtered out the preliminary candidates today.

In Seoul, 6 out of 14 applicants were eliminated, and then 8 candidates were confirmed, and in Busan, 3 out of 9 were eliminated and 6 candidates were confirmed.

The power of the people is planning to finalize each of the 4 finalists on the 5th of next month after giving a preliminary presentation.

The Power of the People The influential runners in the Seoul Mayor’s by-election are busy trying to capture public sentiment.

First of all, former Congressman Na Kyung-won is going to visit the Women’s Human Resources Development Center today to hear opinions on women’s job measures.

Former Seoul Mayor Oh Se-hoon is planning to find a taxi company in Geumcheon-gu, Seoul, to hear their grievances, and to seek ways to improve the system.

Cheol-soo Ahn, CEO of the National Assembly Party, completed the registration for the mayor of Seoul this morning.

He urged the people to hurry to negotiate unification of opposition powers toward the people’s strength.

The Democratic Party criticized Park Young-sun and Woo Sang-ho to apologize as they are responsible for the regime’s incompetence in real estate policy failure.

So far, the National Assembly has delivered it.

Lee Kyung-guk [[email protected]]

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