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[정치]By-election three months ahead…Dangnak street’sex recognition, corona 19, real estate’


The mayoral by-elections to be held in Seoul and Busan next April are just 100 days yesterday and 99 days today.

Gender awareness, Corona 19, and real estate are counted as variables that will determine the uprising of the next year’s presidential election.

Reporter Kim Joo-young reports.


By-election for the new mayor of Seoul and the mayor of Busan will be held on April 7th next year.

The biggest issue is expected to be gender awareness, Corona 19, and real estate.

First of all, it should be noted that elections will be held again in both regions due to allegations of sexual violence in power by former Democratic mayors.

The opposition has already strongly raised the theory of responsibility as it is a subject that can only hurt in passports.

[양금희 / 국민의힘 의원 (지난 24일) : 내년 4월에 치러질 서울, 부산 시장 선거를 저희는 성추행 선거라고 합니다. 박원순, 오거돈 두 전직 시장의 성추행으로 인해 실시되는 선거이기 때문입니다.]

As the leading candidates, female politicians have more names than ever before, and both the opposition parties plan to thoroughly look into whether there are any factors related to gender issues from the candidate verification process.

As Corona 19 is still showing no signs of being caught, Corona 19 is an important variable in this election following the previous general election.

It is in the same vein that the passport emphasizes the cure and empowers the government to take action, and the opposition focuses on criticism of the lack of vaccines.

[이낙연 / 더불어민주당 대표 : 국산 코로나19 치료제의 조건부 사용 승인 신청이 내일 식약처 접수됩니다. 우리가 코로나19 조기 진단에 성공한 데 이어 조기 치료에도 성공한다면 그것은 K-방역의 또 하나의 쾌거입니다.]

In the last general election, as an analysis that the votes who viewed K-quarantine positively were driven to the ruling party, opposition parties are focusing on the government’s quarantine issue.

[김종인 / 국민의힘 비상대책위원장 : 지금 세계 여러 나라들이 백신을 접종하고 있는 상황인데 우리는 아직도 백신에 대한 접종 가능성이 아주 희박해 보입니다.]

Real estate is also a topic that interests both parties.

In particular, it is an analysis that in Seoul, in addition to the high house price problem, citizens’ votes may be shaken more by the jeonse market and real estate taxes.

Along with the presidential approval rate, the Democratic Party approval rate is falling, and the people’s power approval rate is increasing.

YTN Kim Joo-young[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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