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[정치][뉴있저] Kim Jong-in’s “normal mother” remarks controversy…repeated political mistakes

“I don’t think there are many normal mothers.”

The people’s strength, Kim Jong-in, was controversial over the demeaning of single mothers with intellectual disabilities.

Chairman Kim visited Aeranwon, a living facility for single mothers in Seodaemun-gu, Seoul, ahead of the Lunar New Year holidays.

Let’s look at the screen at that time.

[강영실 / 애란원 원장 : (한부모 복지 관련) 법이나 시행 규칙을 마련해서 서비스를 할 수 있는 근거를 만들어주시면 좋겠습니다.]

[김종인 / 국민의힘 비상대책위원장 : 여기 찾아오는 사람들의 경우에는 정신적으로나 육체적으로 굉장히 취약한 사람들 아닙니까.]

At the time of his visit, Chairman Kim said, “There are cases where the mother who gave birth to the child is a problem,” and “I don’t think there are many normal mothers.”

He added, “We need to properly care for our children so that they can grow up normally, but in the case of single mothers, it will be difficult because they are mentally vulnerable.”

Director Ae Ran-won said, “In the case of single mothers with intellectual disabilities, they are more vulnerable to caring and childcare.”

Of course, it was said in the sense that support for single mothers should be further expanded, but it was pointed out that the expression’normal mother’ was inappropriate.

Not only is it a discriminatory statement that defines single mothers as abnormal, but it can also be interpreted as degrading single mothers with disabilities.

Right now, criticism poured out from the political world.

In addition, the Democratic Party criticized, “When listening to the grievances of the field, it not only stigmatized single mothers as being normal mothers, but also promoted social prejudice by disparaging the disabled.”

The Justice Party also urged Chairman Kim to apologize immediately, saying that it was “clear derogatory remarks for single mothers and disabled people.”

Regarding this, the power of the people said, “There was an inadequate selection of terms,” ​​and “Chairman Kim expressed regrettable feelings in the vulnerable situation of single mothers,” and “Please look at the whole context.”

Rep. Kim Mi-ae, who accompanied Chairman Kim, also went on to evolve, saying, “Chairman Kim also presented seaweed that is good for mothers with donations.”

Controversy about remarks about the disabled in the political world, yesterday and today is not.

In January of last year, Ho-young Joo, head of the people’s power, said that the candidate for Prime Minister Jeong Sye-gyun at the time was “the lame prime minister,” and was engulfed in controversy over the disparity.

Lee Hae-chan, the former leader of the Democratic Party, also raised controversy in the same month, saying, “The congenital handicapped person is weak.”

Of course, there are many claims that the media’s reporting behavior, which is not looking at the whole context, but only woven into some expressions, is a real problem.

However, as the politician’s words are conveyed to the media every moment and have a great social impact, shouldn’t we be careful about expressions that can hurt someone?

This is Ahn Gwi-ryeong in the evening with the news.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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