Home » today » Entertainment » [자막뉴스] The late Turtleman, on the stage in 12 years…How was it possible?

[자막뉴스] The late Turtleman, on the stage in 12 years…How was it possible?

In the early and mid-2000s, a group turtle was popular with upbeat music.

Leader Turtleman suddenly appeared on the stage 12 years after he passed away.

“You just have to take a break, even tomorrow, whether it looks hard or not.”

Turtleman’s voice, expressions, and gestures are vividly implemented with AI technology.

Voice synthesis technology was used to bring the voice to life, and the face was restored with’Face Editing’ technology.

After analyzing the video data in my life, I naturally revived my facial expressions according to various movements and even matched my skin color.

Let’s listen to his new song, Hyunsik Kim, who is celebrating his 30th anniversary this year.

“You’re leaving now, but you’ll be standing behind you.”

It’s a song I’ve never sung in my life, but it was implemented with precise speech synthesis technology.

[유승열 / CJ ENM 콘텐츠혁신기획제작팀 : 김현식 님 특유의 감성이 있어요. 제작진뿐 아니라 구현해주는 기술 업체에서도 이건 정말 무모한 도전일 수 있다는 생각 속에서 진행했는데 유가족분들이나 오래된 팬분들이 많은 도움을 주셨고.]

The avatar technology of idol singers is also evolving.

Avatar created with AI technology beyond 3D characters is so active as a’second member’.

[김헌식 / 대중문화평론가 : 이제 가상현실은 특수, 소수의 기술에만 한정되는 게 아니고 이 시대 대중들과 함께 호흡하는 문화콘텐츠로 발돋움할 것으로 보입니다.]

However, it is true that as AI technology advances, there is a growing concern about exploiting it.

There is an urgent need for social consensus on how to use AI technology and to what extent punishment for abuse.

Reporter ㅣ Kim Hye-eun
VJㅣChanggyu Yoo
Video EditingㅣHan Kyunghee
Subtitle NewsㅣSemi-Ryang

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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