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[자막뉴스] Countries that imported China’s Corona 19 vaccine, what is the current situation?

The first vaccine arrived in Indonesia, where there were more than 570,000 confirmed cases.

It is 1.2 million servings made by China’s Shino Baek.

[조코 위도도 / 인도네시아 대통령 : 접종을 준비하고 있는 관리들의 발표를 모든 부문들이 잘 따라 주기를 바랍니다.]

Indonesia has prioritized 3.5 million people, including medical staff, paramedics, soldiers, and police.

China, which has completed emergency vaccinations of more than 1 million people in its own country, is now in earnest in exporting vaccines.

It is mainly targeting developing countries in South, Asia and Africa.

Unlike US vaccines, it does not require cryogenic storage at -70 degrees Celsius and is inexpensive.

Brazil’s São Paulo state also imported 1 million doses of Chinese vaccines last week with the aim of being vaccinated next month.

However, there is a conflict as the Brazilian federal government opposes its use for safety concerns.

[주앙 도리아 / 상파울루 주지사 : 연방 정부에 묻습니다. 코로나19로 매일 500명의 국민이 사망한다는 사실을 보고, 듣지 못합니까?]

Currently, China is conducting phase 3 vaccine trials in more than 10 countries including Brazil, Indonesia and Pakistan.

Some point out that the vaccine is used for diplomacy.

China is expected to officially announce the effectiveness of its home-made vaccine around next week.

Countries that have already imported millions of batches should pay attention to China’s announcement.

Reporter: Sungwoong Kang
Photo editing: Go Kwang
Graphics: Jung Won Jung

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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