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[서울신문] [이슈픽]Lee Jae-young, Lee Da-young’s Instagram apology is not an excuse

Victim “I will not forget 10 years with just one word”
Heungkuk Life Insurance·KOVA Comment Limitation, etc.
A public petition for investigation and strict response appeared

<a rel="nofollow" href="https://img.seoul.co.kr//img/upload/2020/11/02/SSI_20201102230829.jpg" title="‘슈퍼 쌍둥이’ 이재영(왼쪽)·이다영(오른쪽·이상 흥국생명)이 지난달 21일 서울 장충체육관에서 열린 2020~21 V리그 여자부 흥국생명과 GS칼텍스의 경기에서 대화하고 있다.
연합뉴스” style=”padding:0px;margin:0px”>

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▲’Super Twins’ Lee Jae-young (left) and Lee Da-young (right, Heungkuk Life Insurance) are talking at a match between Heungkuk Life and GS Caltex in the 2020~21 V League Women’s Division held at Jangchung Gymnasium in Seoul on the 21st of last month.
yunhap news

On the 10th, the twin sisters Lee Jae-young and Lee Da-young (25) of Heungkuk Life’s female professional volleyball player apologized to victims of alleged school violence. They posted a handwritten apology side-by-side on Instagram. The content was similar. He apologized for causing his coworkers to have difficult memories and wounds with an immature heart, and if the victims accepted it, he would visit him and apologize.

The victims listed 21 cases of damage by Lee Jae-young and Da-young, saying that at least four people, including themselves, were harassed by school violence. The content was serious. “If I didn’t like them, I called my parents’your mother, Abby’ and swear words.” “The perpetrator made an errand to the victim who was sharing the dormitory, but when he refused, he brought a knife and threatened him.” I hit my mouth and gathered together and hit my head with my fist.”

The victim said that although a lot of time has passed, they are still living with trauma due to the perpetrators. The victim said, “I remember hitting my mouth because I didn’t fight and my glasses were blown away. At that time, I wanted to jump off the roof of the dorm. I thought I knew you were guilty if you died in front of you,” he said. “After graduating, I only studied with this clenched thought that I had to succeed. Of course, I was trying to get revenge. “I don’t envy even the billion-dollar salary you receive.”

Upon receiving the Instagram apology, the victim’s reaction was’empty’. The victim said, “It’s useless,” and said, “With a single word, 10 years are not forgotten and forgiven. In the future, I hope to live while reflecting on the past. For any reason, the abuse cannot be justified.”

Lee Jae-young Lee, who posted a handwritten apology on Instagram

▲ Lee Jae-young Lee, who posted a handwritten apology on Instagram

Lee Jae-young and Lee Da-young call for strict response to school violence

▲ Cheong Wa Dae’s petition for strict response to school violence by Lee Jae-young and Lee Da-young

Heungkuk Life Insurance, a member of the club, said, “I am regretful of what I did wrong when I was a student. I will make enough reflection and will make every effort to manage players in the future. I sincerely apologize to the victims who were injured by the actions of their players.”

The Korea Volleyball Federation (KOVO) has come up with four action plans, including reinforcing psychological treatment and mental care for the athletes in relation to the recent problems. While assigning psychological treatment staff to each club, strengthen the function of the Federation’s Athlete Grievance Center and establish a legal response system. The Federation decided to limit the SNS comment function operated by the Federation.

Volleyball fans complained of disappointment in the response of the club and the alliance, which had ceased to exist in principle, and began to petition the public. On this day, a post titled’I urge you to investigate the facts of female volleyball players’ school violence and respond strictly to them’ was posted on the Blue House National Petition bulletin board.

The author pointed out that as a citizen of the Republic of Korea, he can no longer just watch the violence and crimes taking place in the sports world, and there were some people claiming that they were subjected to school violence by female professional volleyball players, but the club and the volleyball federation were on the lookout.

The most popular women’s volleyball club, Heungkuk Life Insurance, is drawing attention on how to deal with this situation.

<a rel="nofollow" href="https://img.seoul.co.kr//img/upload/2020/07/29/SSI_20200729142238.jpg" title="‘감독이 보고 있다’
Heungkuk Life Insurance coach Park Mi-hee watches players such as Kim Yeon-kyung and Lee Da-young training at the Heungkuk Life Insurance Training Center in Yongin, Gyeonggi-do on the morning of the 29th. 2020.7.29 Yonhap News” style=”padding:0px;margin:0px”>'The director is watching' Park Mi-hee, director of Heungkuk Life Insurance, is watching players such as Kim Yeon-kyung and Lee Da-young training at the Heungkuk Life Research Institute in Yongin, Gyeonggi-do on the morning of the 29th.  2020.7.29 Yonhap News

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▲’The director is watching’
Heungkuk Life Insurance coach Park Mi-hee watches players such as Kim Yeon-kyung and Lee Da-young training at the Heungkuk Life Insurance Training Center in Yongin, Gyeonggi-do on the morning of the 29th. 2020.7.29 Yonhap News

Reporter Kim Yoomin [email protected]

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