Home » today » News » [사회]Yoon Seok-yeol “Jungsu-cheong is annihilation of the rule of law”…Park Beom-gye “I will listen to the opinions of the past”

[사회]Yoon Seok-yeol “Jungsu-cheong is annihilation of the rule of law”…Park Beom-gye “I will listen to the opinions of the past”

Yoon Seok-yeol reveals the first official position regarding the Severe Crime Investigation Agency
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Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol strongly criticized the serious criminal investigation agency promoted by the passport for completely depriving the prosecution of the right to investigate the rule of law.

In addition, he even suggested that he would resign even a hundred times if he could stop it, but Justice Minister Park Beom-gye said he had a willingness to meet with President Yoon and went on to evolve.

Reporter Na Hye-in reports.


Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol made the first official position through a media interview on the promotion of the ruling party’s establishment of the Severe Crime Investigation Office.

First of all, Yun stipulated a bill to install a heavy water office, which aims to completely separate the investigation and prosecution, as abolishing the prosecution.

He criticized with strong expressions such as democracy regression, constitutional spirit destruction, and the abolition of rule of law, saying that completely depriving prosecutors of the right to investigate is providing extraterritorial jurisdiction to powerful forces.

In particular, he emphasized that he would bet even a hundred times if he could stop the job and even showed the possibility of resignation.

He said he would wait for the formation of correct public opinion, and appealed for public support to prevent a legislative legislative action from happening.

The Supreme Prosecutors’ Office explained that if the state’s ability to respond to crimes decreases due to the abolition of the prosecution’s right to investigate, the damage will eventually go to the people.

In response to the public criticism of President Yoon, Justice Minister Park Beom-gye avoided a head-on response.

He said he understood the prosecution’s internal concerns and said he would meet with General Yoon and listen to the opinions of the members.

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