Home » today » News » [사회]Tteokbokki for 0.5 servings, a little bit of shampoo… ‘small consumption’ trend

[사회]Tteokbokki for 0.5 servings, a little bit of shampoo… ‘small consumption’ trend

‘Food for 0.5 servings’ trend… High customer satisfaction
‘Zero waste’ stores that do not use disposable products are also popular
Buy only what you need for groceries and groceries… also cheap


‘Small consumption’ has recently become popular, such as 0.5 servings of tteokbokki and small amounts of shampoo.

This is because it can solve environmental problems to some extent in the era of high prices.

Somehow, reporter Kang Min-kyung has been there.


A snack bar in Yongsan-gu, Seoul.

At the bottom of the menu, you can see the 3,000 won tteokbokki for 0.5 servings.

This is the “half serving” that this shop introduced two years ago.

Customer satisfaction is high.

[한유라 / 경기도 의정부시 : 조금씩 나와서 다양하게 종류를 먹을 수 있어서 좋아요.]

Recently, more and more people are looking for this menu, and it is helping sales.

[김상현 / 떡볶이 가게 매니저 : 손님들의 만족도가 많이 높아져서 저희도 좋고 손님도 만족하는 거 같아요.]

A ‘Zero Waist’ store in Gwanak-gu, Seoul.

Recently, more and more customers visit this place, which is said to be ‘no waste’.

Here you can buy everything you need, from sundries like shampoo, detergent and soap to groceries like pasta and peppers.

The price is cheap because they do not use disposable products.

[이정연 / 제로웨이스트샵 대표 : 완제품보다는 리필스테이션을 이용하셨을 때 300g의 샴푸를 40% 정도 할인된 가격으로 사가실 수 있습니다.]

This is why the satisfaction level of young people living alone is particularly high.

[신예진 / 부산 진구 : 1인 가구에 맞게 제가 조금씩 담아갈 수 있어서 오히려 시중에 파는 걸 사는 것보다 더 경제적으로도 도움이 됐고….]

‘Small consumption’, where we buy only as much as we need little by little, is rapidly spreading around the 20s and 30s.

The biggest reason is that it is cheap.

It also has the advantage of being able to protect the environment by reducing unnecessary waste.

[김진주 / 서울 독산동 : 제가 원하는 만큼 살 수 있고요. 그리고 소량을 구매하다 보면 다른 제품들, 다양한 제품들도 조금씩 구매할 수 있게 되고….]

It is positive that ‘high prices and environmental problems’ can be caught at the same time.

[구정우 / 성균관대 사회학과 교수 : 경제 불황이고 주머니가 얇아지고 하는 게 가장 중요한 요인이 될 거 같고. 기후 변화 같은 환경권, 생태권에 대한 관심이 커지는 부분하고 좀 밀접하게 연관이 있다고 생각해요.]

However, the fact that this kind of ‘small consumption’ is popular is also a proof that the price soaring day by day is that hard.

This is YTN Kang Min-kyung.

YTN Minkyung Kang ([email protected])

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