Home » today » News » [사회]The highest charter deposit incident… 800 billion won damaged in 10 months this year

[사회]The highest charter deposit incident… 800 billion won damaged in 10 months this year


As the real estate market freezes rapidly, there are reports that the number of damages that cannot be returned to the jeonse deposit is increasing rapidly even after the contract term has expired.

The number of unpaid deposits is already at an all-time high, reaching a whopping 800 billion won in the first 10 months of this year.

This was reported by journalist Kim Tae-won.


In August of the previous year, Mr. So Seong-jun rented an officetel in Seoul.

I signed a 2-year contract for an area of ​​30m2 for 300 million won.

Before the expiry of the contract, I informed the landlord in advance that I would be moving into the newlyweds’ apartment, but the absurd answer came saying that the deposit would not be returned until the next tenant moved in.

[집주인 : 겨우 이제 오늘이 만기 아닙니까. 지금 세입자 구하고 있으니까 좀 기다려 보세요. 자꾸 전화하지 마세요.]

Subsequently, proof of contents was sent to the owner who did not answer the phone, and a payment order was also received and served, but was returned and eventually preparations for a lawsuit were made.

[소성준 / 전세 세입자 : 보증금도 이제 제 돈도 있지만, 부모님 돈도 좀 있어요. 그래서 너무 답답하죠. 소송을 지금 하려고 준비 중이고….]

YTN reporters asked the owner why the deposit had not been returned, but he refused to answer, saying legal proceedings were ongoing.

As property prices drop sharply due to the economic downturn and rising interest rates, the “reverse jeonse crisis” in which jeonse properties are in surplus is intensifying.

In this situation, homeowners who bought a house unreasonably with a jeonse deposit are enduring that they won’t be able to pay a deposit as bank loans are also blocked.

In recent times, the number of claims with non-return of rental deposits has recorded a sharp increase, recording all-time highs both in terms of amount and number of cases.

The incident amount this year reached a whopping 800 billion won last October alone.

Although charter guarantee insurance exists, the accident itself cannot be prevented, and even if a lawsuit is filed, it is time consuming and a great burden on the tenant.

It seems that you need a safety device to know as much information about the owner as possible in advance.

[서진형 / 공동주택포럼 공동대표 : 세금 체납 여부라든지, 선 순위 임차권의 금액 등을 세입자들이 잘 파악할 수 없기 때문에, 사고가 발생하기 전에 사전 안전장치들을 마련할 필요가 있다고 봅니다.]

Recently, the government announced the preparation of an amendment to the law on this matter.

Since it can be implemented no earlier than the middle of next year, it is the tenants’ responsibility to worry about losing their money in the meantime.

This is YTN Kim Tae-won.

YTN Kim Tae-won ([email protected])

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