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[사회]Self-employed people in the metropolitan area protest opening tomorrow


Unlike the non-metropolitan areas, self-employed business owners rebelled greatly as the 9 p.m. business restriction was maintained in the metropolitan area.

Some merchants have decided to hold a protest opening against the policy.

This is Shin Joon-myeong.


The judgment of the quarantine authorities regarding the 9 p.m. business restriction was’maintaining the metropolitan area’.

This was a judgment considering the situation where 70% of all confirmed cases were concentrated in the metropolitan area, but the opinions of the citizens were mixed.

He nodded, saying it was an inevitable decision,

[이태일 / 경기 의정부 녹양동 : 자영업자분들은 힘들다고 생각하실 수 있지만 크게 보고 길게 보면 다 같이 안전한 사회를 만들자는 취지라고 생각하기 때문에….]

They also pointed out that there is a risk of a kind of balloon effect that crowds people in the non-metropolitan area.

[박용민 / 서울 일원동 : 방법을 찾는 사람들은 분명히 지방으로 내려갈 수밖에 없어요. 그렇게 되면 안전하다고 생각되는 지방이 위험성이 더 높아질 수 있다고 생각합니다.]

On the other hand, self-employed people in the metropolitan area strongly opposed.

[음식점 사장 : (비수도권을 코로나가) 빗겨가는 것 아니고 서로 사람이 부딪히면 감염되는 건데 똑같이 되게 해줬으면 어떨까….]

Both the cafe owner and the owner of the bowling alley sighed, saying that it was difficult to recover sales because they could not receive group customers after dinner.

[박준우 / 카페 업주 : 서울은 또 안된다고 하니까 실망이 크죠. 저녁 식사하고 술 한잔 하고 와서 커피 한잔 하는 분들이 많이 계셨는데 지금은 거의 없죠, 사람이.]

[홍군표 / 볼링장 사장 : 직원 급여, 전기세 등 8천만 원이 나가는데, 수개월 동안 계속 적자를 보고 있습니다. 한 시간이라도 연장을 해주셨으면 ….]

According to statistics before the Corona 19 outbreak, in the case of bars, more than 80% of daily sales were concentrated after 9pm, and restaurants were also the third highest sales time of the day between 9pm and 10pm.

For this reason, self-employed people have been shouting’one more hour’, but the quarantine authorities have not allowed it in the metropolitan area.

Some self-employed people disagree with this policy and decided to launch a demonstration.

The plan is to open late at night and hold a press conference in PC rooms and bars in the metropolitan area for three days.

[김종민 / 전국자영업자비상대책위원회 대변인 : 과학적이지도 감염전파의 인과관계도 확인되지 않은 영업시간 제한은 폐지하고 방역지침을 강화하여 살아갈 길을 열어주어야 할 때입니다.]

Amid the cry of self-employed people who are suffering, the government said it would decide whether to ease the guidelines for the metropolitan area after the Lunar New Year holidays.

YTN Shin Junmyeong[[email protected]]is.

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