Home » today » News » [사회]Right turn traffic lights in effect from today…Turn right only on the ‘green arrow’

[사회]Right turn traffic lights in effect from today…Turn right only on the ‘green arrow’

From today, the right turn signal will be in full operation.

The National Police Agency announced that the enforcement regulations of the Road Traffic Act, which includes the introduction of detour traffic lights, will take effect from today.

Accordingly, in places where right turn signals are installed, right turns are permitted only at green arrow signals.

In addition, in places where right turn signals are not installed, you must stop temporarily and turn right when the signal is red.

The police explained that as a result of pilot operation of right turn traffic lights in 15 locations across the country since September of last year, pedestrian safety has improved.

The police plan to decide whether to crack down after going through a guidance period for three months from today.

YTN Han Dong-oh ([email protected])

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