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[사회]Prosecutors restart investigation into ‘Kim Man-bae’s black money’… A paving stone for Lee?


Prosecutors investigating corruption in Daejang-dong are pooling their investigative powers again to investigate the whereabouts of the black money surrounding Hwacheon Dae-yu as Mr. Kim Man-bae’s physical condition improves.

From money transactions with journalists close to Kim to lawyer fees, they are rummaging through, but it seems the intention is towards Democratic Party leader Lee Jae-myung.

I am reporter Na Hye-in.


Prosecutors stressed that since the arrest of Lee Jae-myung’s closest associate, former head of the Political Coordination Bureau, Jeong Jin-sang, all of Daejang-dong’s statements except Kim Man-bae , are consistent.

In unison, Jeong said he was promised a stake in Cheonhwadongin for a bribe, but Mr. Kim said he was denying it out of fear of punishment.

This claim was accepted to some extent in court, and Jeong was arrested and charged.

However, contrary to the expectation that the prosecution’s investigation targeted the former boss of the former boss, Lee Jae-myeong, it is spreading around Mr. Kim Man-bae.

Had the prosecution, which had already traced accounts around CEO Lee, caught on to the suspicious flow of funds, they would have immediately launched a further mandatory investigation, but there are comments that it would be difficult to proceed with the investigation without Mr Kim declaration.

[이재명 / 더불어민주당 대표(지난해 11월) : 이런 식으로 계속 계좌를 털다 털다 보면, 계좌 다 닳아 없어질 거 같습니다.]

Currently, the link between CEO Lee and Daejang-dong’s black money is the key to Cheonhwa-dong’s campaign funds and shares.

Attorney Nam Wook, who is said to have provided Lee with 800 million won in presidential contest funds, created a 4.2 billion won slush fund before and after the 2014 local elections and handed it over to Mr. Kim, but claims he lost control of the Daejang-dong affair afterward.

It is alleged that Kim gave presidential election funds to Lee during the last presidential election because he failed to respond to ex-chief Jeong’s 2 billion won request.

Cheonhwa Dongin’s pledge of shares also claims to have been heard, and ex-chief Jung’s side denies that it is just a message with no evidence.

After arresting Hwacheon Daeyu’s CEO and director, the prosecution said it would pursue Daejang-dong’s profits to the end, even after Mr. Kim hurt himself.

So far we have frozen about 100 billion won and recently lagged behind in money transactions with journalists who were close to Kim and in lawyer fees.

It is not common sense to trade hundreds of millions of won with journalists and hand over 10 billion won to a law firm.

It seems clear that he is pressuring Mr. Kim in all directions, but whether he will stay in the investigation to recover simple criminal proceeds or expand into an investigation to uncover suspicion of Lee’s involvement remains to be seen.

This is YTN Na Hye-in.

YTN Na Hye-in ([email protected])

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