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[사회]Pfizer seems to be the first vaccine introduced… Cold chain and approval process preparation’arrival’

Visualization of the introduction of Pfizer… Prime Minister Jeong Sye-gyun visits a freezer manufacturer
Pfizer seems to apply for a COVID-19 vaccine item license within this month
Ministry of Food and Drug Safety “Pfizer vaccine is also approved quickly”
“Pfizer vaccine provided by COVAX, possible conditional emergency use”


The first Corona 19 vaccine introduced in Korea is expected to be a product of Pfizer.

It will come in as early as next month.

Prior to the introduction, the cold chain preparation and approval procedures to verify safety and effectiveness are in progress.

Reporter Park Hong-gu on the report.


Prime Minister Jeong Sye-gyun visited the production site for cryogenic freezers.

As the introduction of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine has become visible, this is to check the cold chain preparation work required for the storage and distribution of the vaccine.

[정세균 / 국무총리 : 백신 보관을 위한 콜드체인에 필수 물품인 초저온 냉동고를 우리 기술로 우리 기업이 생산하고 있어 정말 자랑스럽고 든든하게 생각합니다.]

The quarantine authorities said they are in strong discussions with Cobax Facility, a joint vaccine procurement project, over a plan to bring in 50,000 Pfizer vaccines.

Although it has not been finalized, the timing of the introduction will likely materialize soon after the coordination is complete.

Apart from the amount of COVAX, Pfizer’s application for approval for the item of COVID-19 vaccine is expected to arrive at the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety sooner or later.

On the 18th, Pfizer applied for a preliminary review of non-clinical and clinical data with the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety, and decided to apply for a formal product license within this month, and the final work is in progress.

The Ministry of Food and Drug Safety plans to proceed with approval within 40 days and approval for national shipment within 40 days, like the AstraZeneca previously applied, when an application for product permission is received.

AstraZeneca’s vaccine will be verified by the advisory group on the 31st, and the use of the vaccine will be decided after discussion by the Central Pharmacy Review Committee.

As of now, AstraZeneca’s approval for use is expected to be fast, but the Pfizer vaccine provided by Kovacs is relatively small in volume and has already been approved for use in several countries, so the possibility of conditional emergency use for medical staff cannot be ruled out.

This is YTN Park Hong-gu.

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