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[사회]”It’s not compulsory, but if you refuse vaccination, after November”…

Quarantine authorities “If the target person refuses to be vaccinated, an opportunity after November”
“Even if you refuse vaccination for nursing hospital workers, we do not review work restrictions”
“Even if the hospital makes it mandatory for workers, there is no plan for action”
Controversy over’cannot select vaccine’… Concerns about the effects and side effects of AZ vaccine continued


If they refuse to receive the Corona 19 vaccination, which begins on the 26th, the government said that they will be given another chance after November, when the first vaccination of all citizens ends.

The government is explaining that vaccination is due to voluntary participation, but the people who accept it seem a little different.

Reporter Ki Jung-hoon reports.


“If the subject refuses to be vaccinated, they will be given another chance to be vaccinated after November.”

This is the explanation from the quarantine authorities on the COVID-19 vaccination that will finally begin on the 26th.

[정경실 / 코로나19 예방접종대응추진단 예방접종관리반장 : 접종 거부 시 후순위로 연기되는 부분은 전 국민의 1차 접종, 전 국민의 접종이 끝나는 11월 이후 접종을 받으시게 되는 것으로 생각하시면 될 것 같습니다.]

The government said that vaccination is not compulsory, and that it will not consider restricting work because a nursing hospital or nursing facility worker refuses to receive vaccination.

However, when asked if the hospital mandated vaccinations for workers, the quarantine authorities said they had no plans to take any action.

[정경실 / 코로나19 예방접종대응추진단 예방접종관리반장 : 병원에서도 의무화라기보다는 가급적이면 접종을 해서 의료진과 환자들을 보호했으면 좋겠다 라는 의사를 표현하신 것이 아닌가 생각이 되고요. 방역당국에서 병원의 직원에 대한 관리부분에 대해서는 별도 조치를 계획하고 있는 것은 없습니다.]

The inability to choose a vaccine remains controversial.

In the case of the AstraZeneca vaccine, which will be used for the first dose, concerns about its effectiveness and side effects have not gone away.

In a recent poll in Germany, only about one-third of respondents said they would get the AstraZeneca vaccine. In Europe and elsewhere, the atmosphere is spreading that they will get another vaccine even if it is late.

There are many opinions on the Internet that it is difficult to believe the announcement of the quarantine authorities that more than nine out of ten subjects agreed to the AstraZeneca vaccination.

There are even angry voices saying that the government, which failed to obtain an excellent vaccine early, threatens the people.

With the first vaccination ahead, the quarantine authorities are pouring out relevant measures every day, but concerns over the vaccine are not easily dismissed.

YTN Ki Jeong-hoon[[email protected]]is.

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