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[사회]Don’t be optimistic about an end to vaccination… When is the population immunity?


The government aims to achieve collective immunity against COVID-19 by completing vaccinations on 60% to 70% of the population by November.

However, some point out that it is forbidden to be optimistic about the end of Corona 19, as there are many challenges to collective immunity.

Reporter Lee Dong-woo reports.


Pfizer or Modena’s COVID-19 vaccine requires a freezer that maintains several tens of degrees below zero for transportation and storage.

As such, the vaccination process is difficult and there are many things the quarantine authorities will prepare.

Considering these points and some side effects of the vaccine, the government set a goal to form collective immunity before December, the flu epidemic.

[정은경 / 중앙방역대책본부장 : 접종 후에 면역이 형성되는 데도 한 2주 내지 3주 정도가 소요되는 그런 시차가 있기 때문에 그런 점을 감안해서 11월 정도까지는 집단면역 수준을 형성할 수 있도록 하겠다고 (말씀드립니다.)]

It also plans to complete the vaccination by the end of September.

However, experts point out that it is unclear whether or not a group immunity will be formed according to the government’s plan after vaccinating about 70% of the people.

[전병율 / 차의학전문대학원 교수 : 방역 당국이 9월 말까지 접종을 완료하는, 즉 집단면역을 형성하려고 접종을 하는 그런 계획이라면 정말 정밀하게 접종 스케줄을 짜야지 9월 말 7,500만 건에 대한 접종이 가능하다. 그러나 물리적으로는 상당히 어려운 수치라고 저는 보고 있습니다.]

Developed countries that have already started vaccination are not as fast as planned, such as discarding some vaccines due to poor cold chain construction and lack of medical staff training.

In addition, deaths after vaccination have occurred, leading to avoidance of vaccination.

[정세균 / 국무총리 : 우리나라에서는 일부 선진국에서 경험하고있는 접종이 지연되거나 백신이 폐기되는 일이 결코 일어나서는 안 되겠습니다.]

Some point out that when vaccination is started, only the strong virus survives and mutations can take place in earnest, reducing the effectiveness of the vaccine.

Experts therefore emphasize that it is forbidden to be optimistic about the end of COVID-19 with vaccination, and emphasize that quarantine regulations such as wearing a mask and distancing must be kept.

This is YTN Lee Dong-woo.

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