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[사회]Deaths waiting in bed are one after another… Controversy about reducing the standard of death statistics


There are cases of death while waiting for hospitalization or other hospitals due to the shortage of beds caused by the explosion of corona19 patients.

However, controversy is arising as health officials have changed their own standards for mortality in bed in just a few hours.

The number of new confirmed cases to be announced in the morning is expected to be around 1,000.

Reporter Choi Jae-min reports.


After the Corona 19 epidemic in January, 3 patients died while waiting for hospitalization at home, and 5 patients died while waiting for all quarantine beds in nursing hospitals.

Among them, the Central Defense Response Headquarters explained that six people, excluding two, died during the first pandemic in Daegu and Gyeongbuk in February and March.

As the number of new confirmed patients exploded this month, it is a proof that the bed uprising is becoming a reality.

As the controversy grew, Bang Dae-bon again released explanatory materials.

Death in the air refers to the case of death at home or in the emergency room before hospitalization, so it excludes 5 of the 8 people who died in nursing hospitals.

Moreover, as two out of three died during the first pandemic, Daebon Bang’s position is that only one died while waiting for a bed this month.

It changed the standard for mortality in the air in just a few hours.

[김윤 / 서울대 의대 교수 : 전체 가용한 병상 중에 극히 일부만 가지고 환자가 대규모로 생기는 상황에 대응하다 보니 병상이 부족한 것처럼 보이지만 실은 정부가 병상을 제대로 확보를 안 한 거고…]

Increasingly, not only critically ill patients, but also mildly ill patients wait at home because they cannot be hospitalized or admitted.

[박유미 / 서울시 시민건강국장 : 17일 0시 기준 서울시에 병상 배정 대기 확진자는 580명입니다.]

Yesterday, the spread of Corona 19 continued.

As of 9 o’clock last night, there were 856 new confirmed cases, and as of today’s 0 o’clock, there are expected to be around 1,000 confirmed one day.

If the number of people exceeds 1,000, it will be recorded for four consecutive days.

This is Jaemin Choi from YTN.

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