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[사회]Core quarantine indicators get worse…Sunday distancing adjustments announced

IM mission, nursing facility, hospital, workplace, etc.
“If we can’t stop the spread tax, we are concerned about the possibility of a 4th outbreak”
‘Social distance’ adjustment proposal announced on Sunday


Although the number of new corona19 confirmed patients has remained in the 400 range for the second day, the spread trend is likely not to subside for the time being as large and small group infections follow.

The quarantine authorities will announce a social distancing adjustment plan, which will be applied from next month, the day after tomorrow.

Reporter Park Kyung-seok’s report.


The number of new confirmed cases decreased from the previous day, but the key quarantine indicators were worse.

The average number of confirmed cases per day for the past week has increased significantly to 421.

The level of social distancing exceeded the level of 400 people, the standard of 2.5 steps, for the second day, and the increase was even steeper.

The aftermath of the IM Mission continues, and cases of new outbreaks in nursing homes, acquaintances, and workplaces are continuing.

The quarantine authorities’ greatest goal is to reduce the number of confirmed cases ahead of the Lunar New Year holiday, but the prospect is not bright.

There are even concerns that if the spreading trend is not broken, the fourth epidemic with the bottom of 400-500 confirmed cases per day could begin.

[정재훈 / 가천대 의대 예방의학과 교수 : 지금은 확진자 숫자가 약 400명대 정도를 유지하고 있기 때문에 굉장히 안정적으로 보일 수 있지만 언제든지 그 4차 유행이 다가올 수 있는 것이고요. 제가 생각하기로는 3월 말에서 4월 초에 또 한번 4차 유행의 정점이 올 수 있다.]

Social distancing adjustments, which will take effect next month, are announced this Sunday.

The ban on meetings of five or more people, which is evaluated as having a great effect on quarantine, is expected to remain undisputed.

However, whether to maintain the current social distancing stage, it is necessary to observe the trend of confirmed cases until the end.

[윤태호 / 중앙사고수습본부 방역총괄반장 : 일시적으로 증가했다가 다시 감소세로 들어갈 수 있는지 아니면 앞으로 증가할 가능성들이 있는 것인지 이런 부분들에 대해 조금 더 시간적인 추세를 보면서 좀 더 판단해보자….]

Although the quarantine authorities have been cautious until the end, the prospect is prevailing that it will not be easy to lower the distance unless there is a dramatic decline.

This is YTN Park Kyung-seok.

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