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[사회]Concerns about the 4th pandemic… “Reconsideration of the timing of distance reorganization”

“A new distance will take effect from March”… “Review” in 2 days
Concerns about re-proliferation as the number of new patients surged to 600
Government “Confusion over the process of restructuring distance…contemplating when to implement”


As the number of new corona19 confirmed cases increases again, concerns are growing that the 4th pandemic is becoming a reality.

The government said it could reconsider its plan to apply the new distancing system starting next month if the epidemic was deemed serious.

Reporter Park Hong-gu on the report.


The talk of a review came out just two days after the announcement of implementing a new social distancing, emphasizing autonomy and responsibility.

Under the premise that the epidemic is within control, it attempted to reorganize the distancing system, but the number of new patients has soared to 600.

The government said that if such a surge is spread through full-scale re-proliferation, it could lead to confusion in the reorganization process.

[손영래 / 중앙사고수습본부 전략기획반장 : 현재의 유행 추이가 어떻게 되는지를 보면서 거리두기 체계의 재편 과정은 일정대로 준비는 하되, 그 이행시기에 대해서는 계속 함께 종합적으로 검토하게 될 것 같습니다.]

The government is paying attention to the rapid increase in the number of new patients amid less quarantine tensions, such as easing social distancing ahead of vaccination.

Moreover, it has not yet been confirmed whether the infection spread due to the Lunar New Year holiday movement.

[윤태호 / 중앙사고수습본부 방역총괄반장 : 설 연휴에 전파된 지역사회 감염이 잠복기를 지나 크게 확산될 가능성도 배제할 수 없는 상황입니다.]

Therefore, after this weekend, when the effects of the Lunar New Year holidays are evident, it is expected to be an important starting point in determining whether or not the 4th pandemic.

[천은미 / 이대목동병원 호흡기내과 교수 : 설 연휴 영향을 파악 못한 상태에서 지난 주말에 거리두기를 조금 완화를 했기 때문에 거리두기 완화는 아마 다음 주, 3월 초부터 본격적으로 발생을 할 수가 있고 그 말은 지금 상태에서는 4차 대유행 위험이 매우 높다고 (말할 수 있겠습니다.)]

If the aftermath of the 3rd pandemic has not gone away and another big wave comes, the social shock and suffering can be more serious.

The government once again emphasized compliance with quarantine regulations in everyday life, saying that it has quarantine and medical capabilities in preparation for an increase in the number of patients.

This is YTN Park Hong-gu.

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