Home » today » News » [사회]College entrance’On-time race’ starts from today…’Notice fight’ seems to be fierce

[사회]College entrance’On-time race’ starts from today…’Notice fight’ seems to be fierce

If a student who passes at any time applies on time, it will be rejected at any time.
You must pay the application fee and receive the application number to complete the on-time application.
The application cannot be modified or canceled after payment.


Starting today, regular application acceptance for 4-year universities begins.

This year’s college admission schedule is expected to intensify the “fight of noticing” among students as there are many variables such as an increase in absenteeism and a decrease in test takers due to Corona 19.

Reporter Shin Hyun-jun.


The number of regular admissions at four-year universities nationwide is about 80,000, which is 23% of the total number of students selected.

Applications are accepted for five days from today to the 11th.

Unlike occasional, where 6 applications can be applied, only 3 universities can be applied for on-time, one for each county.

However, if you pass on time, you cannot apply on time.

Students who pass on time will be disqualified if they apply on time, so be careful.

It is better to fill out the common application in advance for application.

However, you don’t just need to save the application, you must pay the application fee and receive the application number.

Also, after payment is complete, it cannot be modified or canceled, so you need to write it carefully.

In particular, this year, the number of test takers will decrease, and the number of absentees due to Corona 19 is expected to increase, which is more intense than any other year.

In addition, the overall acceptance line will be lowered, but the number of high-ranking universities will be reduced from time to time to maintain the previous year’s level.

[이만기 / 유웨이 교육평가연구소장 : 대학들이 정시 모집에 대한 두려움을 가지기 때문에 수시충원 노력을 엄청나게 기울여서 수시 이월 인원이 작년보다는 주요 대학을 중심으로 줄어드는 양상을 보이고 있습니다.]

There is also an analysis that there will be a lot of support for the SAT due to Corona 19.

[임성호 / 종로학원 대표 : 코로나19 상황으로 수능준비가 여의치 않았다, 내년도 정시 규모가 확대된다, 수능이 바뀌었지만 큰 폭의 변화는 없다. 그렇다면 아무래도 재수를 감안해서라도 소신 지원할 가능성이 높아진다고 볼 수 있죠.]

Admission experts advised that applying a mixture of confidence, stability, and appropriateness is a shortcut to increasing the pass rate, mainly in departments with many recruits in their grades.

YTN Shin Hyun-jun[[email protected]]is.

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